I think that my attitude about gratitude is very important. Over the past couple weeks, I have been assingned to write about what I am grateful for or something good that has happened to me that day. I think that this has really truly strengthed my health in a lot of ways. I used to think that I wasn’t that wealthy. I used to think that everyone has more than me. I have had a talk about this with my parents and they have said that you should be so grateful for what you have. I have been thinking about this lately and its really got to me. I have read an article that there was a group of kids. Someone asked all of them to write down what they were thankful for each day. Some of the kids did it and some didn’t. it turns out that the ones who did it were the most happy. They were so happy and cheerful rather than the other kids who did not appreciate all that they had. They think that they should just be automatically given that stuff. If you think like that you will never be happy. I have learned from experience. When you are grateful for everything you are happy about everything. If you are happy about everything, then it can effect you entire health. Mentally and Socially. Just like we have gotten to write in a gratitude journal, that is practicing for many things. In my article, it says “people that have gratitude tend to be more creative, bounce back more quickly from adversity, have a stronger immune system, and have stronger social relationships than those who don’t practice gratitude. I think this totally true and I agree with it. In the end, being grateful makes you feel so amazing and happy.
I think that my attitude about gratitude is very important. Over the past couple weeks, I have been assingned to write about what I am grateful for or something good that has happened to me that day. I think that this has really truly strengthed my health in a lot of ways. I used to think that I wasn’t that wealthy. I used to think that everyone has more than me. I have had a talk about this with my parents and they have said that you should be so grateful for what you have. I have been thinking about this lately and its really got to me. I have read an article that there was a group of kids. Someone asked all of them to write down what they were thankful for each day. Some of the kids did it and some didn’t. it turns out that the ones who did it were the most happy. They were so happy and cheerful rather than the other kids who did not appreciate all that they had. They think that they should just be automatically given that stuff. If you think like that you will never be happy. I have learned from experience. When you are grateful for everything you are happy about everything. If you are happy about everything, then it can effect you entire health. Mentally and Socially. Just like we have gotten to write in a gratitude journal, that is practicing for many things. In my article, it says “people that have gratitude tend to be more creative, bounce back more quickly from adversity, have a stronger immune system, and have stronger social relationships than those who don’t practice gratitude. I think this totally true and I agree with it. In the end, being grateful makes you feel so amazing and happy.