
Is There a Difference Between Service Quality and Product Quality?

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Is There a Difference Between Service Quality and Product Quality?
Product quality means how good it is. Its measure of how well a delivered product meets the customer expectation. But it’s depend how upon various factor which are not the same for all product. While service quality is involves a comparison of expectation with performance. Service quality is measure of how well a delivered service matches the customer expectation. It was involve a comparison of expectation with performance. Product quality is usually involves a comparison of expectation with performance while service quality usually termed for service organization. Quality in manufacturing organization is often different from that of service organization. Manufacturing organization produce a tangible product than can be seen, touched, ad directly measures. Therefore, quality definition in manufacturing usually focus on tangible product features. The most common quality definition in manufacturing is conformance, which is the degree to which a product characteristic meets present standard of specification. Other common definition of quality in manufacturing includes performance.

In contrast to manufacturing, service organization produce a product that is intangible. Usually the complete product cannot be seen or touched. Rather it is experienced. The intangible nature of product makes defining quality difficult. Also since is experiences, perception can be highly subjective. In addition to tangible factors, quality of service is often defined by perceptual factor. For these reason, defining quality in service can be especially challenging.

Product quality and service quality is interlinked. It has seen that companies rated highly by their customer in terms of service can charged higher than rated poorly. People will go out of their way and pay more for good service. Most of the complaints registered are because of the quality service but not of the quality product. Improving quality in service is a key to competitive success in any business. No doubt

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