I must agree with his statement because indeed, a Philippine public administration exists, I believe in terms of structure. I would like to quote Alex Brillantes, Jr. and Maricel Fernandez on their statement. "Yes we have basic public administration structures and processes. We have an executive branch with the bureaucracy at its core. We have a Philippine legislature. We have a Philippine judiciary. We have Philippine electoral processes and procedures. We have Philippine sub-national institutions and local governments, together with decentralization processes and procedures. It is within this context that we argue that indeed, we have a Philippine public administration characterized by the presence of administrative structures and processes operating within a unique Philippine context." But the funny thing is, and I would like to stress out this statement by Corpuz that "The government had been run independently for just the last four decades, managing most of public affairs in a language that is not native to its citizens.". Considering more than three centuries of Spanish rule and decades of American occupation, the period that was ruled by foreigners surpassed the period ruled by our own native people. I agree with Corpuz with this. Although they had spread many of the fundamental values of the West through the proselytizing of the Catholic religion, the Spanish had nevertheless done little to advance the development of science or the spread of economic growth in the Philippines (partly reflecting the scientific and economic backwardness of Spain itself in the nineteenth century).
On the author's statement on "The old (colonial) and the new political ethics have become one, a