In United Nations eight Millennium goals to fight poverty, tourism is claimed to be one of the tools that could help to achieve that goal. Today tourist are going destinations that in few generations ago where unheard of. This essay is going to use Cambodia as an example of a developing country that has had an increase in tourism their latest year and arguable has benefit from it. The writer spend 10 months in Cambodia and worked with tourism and developing there so this essay is also including primary research.
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has set eight goals that their aim is to reach in 2015. Some of the goals have a direct link to each other and it is several tools that could help to reach them. One of their claims in their report is if tourism is done responsible and sustainable it could help a countries economical and social development. In Cambodia where they had one of the worst regimes in human kind history() with the Khmer Rouge (1975-1979) that massacred 25 per cent of the population, civil war ending in 1999 and one of the world’s worst health statistics.() This is a perfect example of how tourism has changed a developing country.
Tourism in Cambodia started later than most of the surrounding countries, such as Thailand and Vietnam. This has helped Cambodia to see and learn and set how they wanted tourism to benefit them. It is argued with increasing number of tourist travelling in Cambodia that has helped their economy. The writer went to Cambodia in 2006 and then back in 2011. The writer experienced a huge difference in the infrastructure, people and human rights. The first 6 months in 2011 Cambodia has 1.6 Million visitors () this creates jobs, increase in the Economic growth (GDP), local community’s growth. Tourism is Cambodia’s main income.
Human Rights are an issue in developing countries. Where social rights and woman rights often comes in a second priority. With