In order to answer this question it is first important to determine the fraises “pro-war” and “anti-war”. The term “pro-war” describes an attitude in which war is desired, necessary or justifiable. The term “anti-war” describes the opposite; war is viewed as immoral and is generally opposed and condemned. This paper will argue that there are grounds in the book to support both proposition.…
War brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery, disease and starvation, poverty and ruin in its wake. Although war may not always be the first answer or the most beneficial, it is an inescapable evil because war has brought the world peace and prosperity while banding people together to fight for a cause. It leads to national growth and solves domestic problems between countries; Injustice and tyranny can be quelled as the aftereffect of war. On the contrary, war includes loss of human life, spreads of diseases, and induces a feeling of anxiety and dismay among communities. The brutal sacrifices that innocent people undergo may not be worth the outcome.…
While some religions, like Christianity and Islam, may have defended war in time of defense, other such as Buddhism condemned war at all accounts, as well as the Daoism. I will now go through some different religious views on war.…
The Just war theory maintains that war may be justified if fought only in certain circumstances, and only if certain restrictions are applied to the way in which war is fought. The theory that was first propounded by St Augustine of Hippo and St Ambrose of Milan ( 4th and 5th centuries AD) attempts to clarify two fundamental questions: ‘when is it right to fight?’ and ‘How should war be fought?’. Whereas Pacifists are people mainly Christians who reject the use of violence and the deliberate killing of civilians but claims that peace is intrinsically good and ought to be upheld either as a duty and that war can never be justifiable. However, Realists agree that, due to the nature of humans, force is a necessary action to be used to maintain a just and ordered society. Therefore, since the Second World War, people have turned their attention to Just War again establishing rules that can serve as guidelines to a just war- the Hague and Geneva conventions.…
To conclude, there is no doubt that the conflict of war is a useless encounter that affects many innocent people’s lives, the economic stability and physiological wellbeing of soldiers. It is evident that in some circumstances society makes war to ensure peace, and on the surface this seems rational, even plausible. However, in reality throughout the journey there is a great human and economic cost…
Americans supported slavery because slavery was legal, technology has changed, and slavery going on today.…
The part of the just war theory is called jus ad bellum. There must be a just cause, right authority, proportionality, the goal of peace, with war as a last resort. A country cannot attack another country for more wealth or for more respect. They must attack on behalf of an innocent third country or group. Right authority means that war must be declared by the proper authorities and not by private companies. Proportionality means that the potential war must be assessed regarding the cost of the war and the benefits from the war. The country must also decide whether or not the potential gains outweigh the loss of human lives and the cost of the war. Next, “will the destructiveness of the proposed conflict outweigh any enhancement of other human values?” That means will the war any enhance aspects of the human life more than the violence that will occur during the war. The purpose of the war must be for peace, not solely to win glory. Finally, the war must be a last resort, meaning that all other methods for peace must be attempted before resorting to…
St. Augustine of Hippo’s work on the Just War was a vastly important document in the rationalization of the Crusades and the victimization of the Jews. “Augustine of Hippo (d. 430) was one of the most influential early Christian theologians, helping to shape medieval thinking on a wide variety of topics.”[1] Augustine in his work on the just war clearly notes that the act, the agent, and the authority for the action are all of great importance in the order of nature, that only wars of defense are justified, and also that if God commands for war, such as he did with Moses, that the war could always be justified.…
Force should be used when there are legitimate reasons for using it, and when it is the last resort for the government, who is responsible for civic peace. Elshtain uses Augustine to discuss justice and war. A paradox between war and peace is introduced, Elshtain uses an Augustine quote to discuss the similarity of two words that are complete polar opposites, “Peace and war had a contest in cruelty, and peace won the prize.” In history, there are many instances where evil and horrible things are done in the name of ‘peace’. Elshtain continues with the early Christian beliefs that under Jesus’ teaches forbid force in anyway, even under authority. Later, it transforms to the necessity of force to protect others. This leads to the four qualifications that Elshtain wrote to justify a war, the first is that the war must be publicly declared by a legitimate jurisdiction. The second criteria is that an unjust violence must have occurred against the government’s own people or a defenseless group. Third, the war has to be start with the proper motives. Finally, all other alternatives must be exhausted before leading to war. In the end, Elshtain includes a final criteria that must be met for a war to be ‘just’, the possibility of actually winning the conflict. If there is no chance of succeeding, the conflict should not be…
What justifies war? Who justifies it? Why as human beings do we feel the need to fight, harm, and kill others to achieve certain goals? These questions have been pertinent to our society since the beginning of time and continue to challenge us to better understand the human psyche, and code of ethics that give Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Marines credence to kill in the name of the United States of America. These ethics of war lay the foundation for that code of understanding and righteousness for when it is justifiable to pull the trigger and take the life of another, or commit an act of war.…
“War, what is it good for”? The lyrics to the 60’s pop song, provokes the question that Just War proponents and Pacifists have wrestled with throughout history, reaching opposite conclusions. Those in favor of Just War theory, say war is only good insofar as it is fought for the right reasons and brings about the right end. Whereas, Pacifists reject war completely, preferring peaceful means to resolve conflict. But which one is morally and ethically right? Which one should be adopted and practiced by the Nations of this World? Upon examining the logic and philosophical implications of each ethical stance, one is able to sympathize with them both, seeing their values and virtue.…
The just war tradition is a collection of historical views and theories, which eventually developed the just war theory. The just war theory follows a criteria that distinguishes when a country is just to use military action against another country. This theory attempts to protect the innocent and preserve the basic human rights. The criteria which it follows, is meant to examine when the moral decision to use force arises from a conflict of prima facie obligations. The theory operates within a prima facie duty to use force as a last resort in defense of human life and values. When the moral tension arises between these prima facie obligations, they conflict with each other. The just war theory indicates that when the prima facie duty not to injure or kill others can be overridden by another prima facie duty, to act justly and always pursue justice.…
Elshtain, Jean B. “What Is A Just War.” Reading The World: Ideas That Matter. 2nd ed. ED Michael Austin. New York: Norton, 2009. 303.…
War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Around the World everyday there is some type of war happening. War affect everyone and thousands or even millions die because of war. The problem or issue that I’m going to talk about is why war is morally wrong and can war ever be justified. This Essay will talk about many thing including the three traditions of thought that dominate the ethics of war and peace: Realism; Pacifism; and the Just War Theory. Another thing I’m going to talk about is why war should be understood as an actual intentional and widespread armed conflict between political communities. I’m also going talk where does the church stand on the topic of war. There are lots of debates on war whether it a good thing or an awful thing on the face of the earth. So the controversy behind this topic that some people believe that you can achieve a common good by going to war. By that I mean war help out the economy, For Example in 1930’s The Great Depression was happening and World War II brought jobs that caused The Great Depression to end. The Other group of people believe that going to war is completely wrong, that you will not achieve anything and make the situation worst. For Example, pretend the rebel took out the angry dictator, the country will be unsettled with no government or Constitution. Post World War II, The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established 24 October 1945, to promote international co-operation. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the organization was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict. Most of the time War violate human rights, For Example in World War Two there was a Jewish Genocide. Acts of genocide violate the most fundamental and broadly accepted principles of human conduct. The World Wars, and the huge losses of life and gross abuses of human rights that took place during them, were a driving force behind the development of modern human…
Humanity always resolved their conflicts with one another with various weapons. The only difference is as over time, so do the methods of combat. Warfare is wrongfully defined as "the process of military struggle between two nations or groups of nations; war." (Warfare). This untrue definition induced many to wrongfully assume that only one type of warfare exists; Leading to believe it only happens on the battlefield during a war between countries. The actual definition of "warfare" doesn't imply military action or combat limited to only soldiers, yet it's defined as a direct act of aggression that ends with individuals emotionally or physically scarred.…