The king of Olympus screws up a lot for a king. Most of the time it’s Zeus’s fault for the problems that happens. Mostly it’s because he can’t keep his …show more content…
For example when Arakhne was saying she was better at weaving than Athena. Athena was jealous and angry. Jealous because her people started liking Arakhne more than her. Angry because how could anyone challenge her. She could've just left Arakhne alone and not bother with her. But nope she took up Arakhne challenge and won. Then turned Arakhne into a spider. Then with the golden apple. She was jealous of Aphrodite. If she was as smart as she says she is, she wouldn’t tried to bribe Paris. So when the war broke out of course she sided with the greeks. It’s not entirely her fault. There’s one more goddess to blame.
The goddess of love and beauty does not belong in a battle field. If Aphrodite had just give Paris the next best thing or I don’t know his wife. Like come on Aphrodite he’s already married so don’t give him another women. This whole war could of been avoided if she just done that. Also she took Paris out of the battle with Menelaos. Which could've ended the treaty. You blame Paris though.
Paris is just a pawn in the god's game. He just chose Aphrodite because her bride didn’t have to do with wars and battle. He is a coward. Plus how could he know that it would lead to a ten year