There are many benefits if one decides not to get a college degree. You can get a job to make money. Jobs can give you professional networking opportunities and working experience, and an early exposure to skills you need to survive in a competitive market. With the money you make, you have more monetary resources to enjoy life. If one decides to go to college, there are a lot of sacrifices. You not only need to pay for college-related fees and spend years completing your college education but also miss job opportunities and the monetary rewards from working. On average, a high school graduate’s annual salary is $33,000. Assume your college education takes 4 years to complete with the tuition of $12,000/year, there is a balance of $45,000 difference per year, which totals to a $180,000 during your college education years!
Of course, there are plenty of benefits by not going college. However, obtaining a college education opens many doors of opportunities for you. Generally, a job with higher pay requires a college degree. On average, a person with a college degree has the starting salary of $46,000. That is $13,000 more than a high school graduate every year. Going through college helps you gain knowledge. This knowledge can help you prepare for future work. For example, if you are a pharmacist, you need to know whether adding chemicals to new medicines will affect the human body.