Professor: William Carnagey
BBS 100
7 January 2013
Isaiah, The Lord is Salvation
The Bible, the greatest book ever written, is the Word of God. The Lord spoke to the writers of the Bible through the Holy Spirit. Each writer was given the words of God that should be written for all of mankind to read, study and live. I have chosen Isaiah (Book of Isaiah ) to write and study. I will give a brief introduction to our prophet Isaiah, and the reason God appointed him to write.
The Personality of the Prophet
The prophet Isaiah is called the “The Book of salvation.” The name Isaiah means “the salvation of the Lord” or “the Lord is salvation.” His works were the first by a prophet to be included in the Bible. Isaiah was a very well educated man, thus earning him the titles, the
Prince of Prophets, and the Shakespeare of the Bible (The Hebrew Bible). Isaiah’s station as a prophet was to be focused on the nation of Judah, as a political and religious counselor to the nation of Judah.
Who was the father of Isaiah, called the inscription in the book of Amos, was not knowen to Isaiah. He lived in Jerusalem, and this largely explains the awareness of what the prophet finds in respect of the events of city life. The prophet had his own house, was married and had children. He calls his wife “the prophetess; and she conceived, and bare a son” (8:3). His children, two sons, Sher-jashub, a remnant shall return, and his other son, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, hasting to the spoil, hurrying to the pray. Their names, symbolically tell about the future judgment of God, who were to be the kingdom of Judah and Israel, “and it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Isreal, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Isreal, in truth” (10:20). Which the name of the Prophet served as a symbol of salvation, awaiting the chosen of God. Isaiah lived a long