I am improving in revising my own essay. I have also noticed I have improved on analysis where I had trouble with. At the beginning of this quarter I would usually put one sentence or two and now I am getting the hang of analysis. Also, I am improving in Works cited. This time I think I did well in the organization because I put the archetypes in chronological order, but also a repetition of archetypes. For example, good, bad, good, bad because in life there is always obstacles and it is not always going to be good times. Overall, strengths were the length requirement, which I think I exceeded to do more than the minimum requirement that was 4 pages, improving in MLA format, and citing sources. I have improved in grammar and organization. I think I have improved in analysis and also in my analysis conclusion. My weaknesses, I felt were the paragraphs that did not relate back to my thesis and also the shapeshifter paragraph was not…