Honors 366H
Professors Mahlis, Miller
12 March 2013
Paper One
Saxton Pope wrote upon Ishi’s death: “And so, stoic and unafraid, departed the last wild Indian of America. He closes a chapter in history. He looked upon us as sophisticated children–smart, but not wise. We knew many things, and much that is false. He knew nature, which is always true”. In order to analyze Ishi’s commentary one must first begin to ask is Ishi’s opinion correct?
From what I know and understand about society today and society in the past, Ishi’s view of settlers of European descent and the modern day man are right on point. As a culture of people we are “smart, but not wise”. This statement must be true because as a civilized culture we are living in a world of trouble and demise. The earth as we know is being negatively altered because of our modern day practices and the ecological damage currently in a state of turmoil. Not only have our practices damaged the earth and wilderness but life forms are threatened, even that of our own. We have been living more against nature then with nature and we continue to turn a blind eye to what is happening to the world around us we will eventually run out of natural resources and human kind too will be extinct. There are two perspectives of knowing. Ishi seemed to understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom, which is essential in understanding why he claimed the human race is “smart but not wise”. Knowledge (smarts) is a noun that encompasses information, understanding and skills that one gains through experience or education. Knowledge in other terms is the facts and data that are available to anyone who has the resources. Wisdom is a noun that encompasses the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advise because of the experience and knowledge that you have. Someone may have the knowledge about a subject but may not have the wisdom to utilize this knowledge properly to be able to act in a sensible
Bibliography: Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom | Difference Between | Knowledge vs Wisdom." Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom | Difference Between | Knowledge vs Wisdom. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013 SharpKiwi "Difference Between Wisdom And Intelligence." HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.