She was one of the most beloved goddess, her cult was not limited to one area she was worshiped in every temple in the land.
Isis name has so many translations/meanings: “Queen of the Throne”, “Knowledge” “(female) of flesh” Queen of the Gods. She was one of four of the protector goddesses along with Bast, Nephthys (her sister who tricked Osiris and got pregnant, Isis adopted the child) and Hathor. It is said that she was a very powerful sorceress that controlled the weather with her hair. Myths say that she took all the poison from many scorpions and put it in one and set it on a path to bite Ra. Some say Isis took action in order to compel Ra to move away from the world and allow people and animals to flourish. Apparently his fierce heat was drying up the lands and killing everything. Others believed she tricked him so that she could control him since in order to heal him he had to tell her his real name to remove the
The gift that she gave to humanity was life, a lot of the stories are similar to that of Mother Mary and even God in the Christian religion. In the Book of the Dead, Isis is regarded as the giver of life and food to the dead. Isis didn’t destroy her first born, humanity or turn a human to a creature. She brought life to the world through “Ritual of Life", a spell that granted eternal life after death. When anyone needed her she would come and heal the sick.
There is no evidence that she was a Triple goddess, Nine-fold, or have a Divine consort. How the European colonizers religions destroyed Africans respect for nature spirituality and matrilineal inheritance was they took everything from women and gave it to the man. There were marriages arraigned so that all women would eventually have no rights to even their clothes. As Christianity grew the pagan religion died off literally in the documentary “The Burning Times” one finds out that millions of women were set on fire for believing in the Pagan religion and were deemed witches. Clearly what these men started doing way back in time still has an effect on women today as women have to fight for equal jobs, pay and treatment. Its mind boggling to find out woman had so much respect, authority and power back in the day and it was basically burned away until the religion go what they wanted control.