Muhammad Ibn 'Abd El-Krim El-Khattabi, leader of the Rif Berbers
Centre for Islamic Pluralism
An Historical Survey by Stephen Suleyman Schwartz
Center for Islamic Pluralism
Washington * London * Köln * Sarajevo www.islamicpluralism.org www.islamicpluralism.eu www.islamicpluralism.de 1718 M Street NW #260
Washington, DC 20036 USA and BM 2394, London, WC1N 3XX, UK
Islam and Communism in the 20th Century
An Historical Survey by Stephen Suleyman Schwartz
Published in the USA in 2009 by the Center for Islamic Pluralism
1718 M Street NW #260
Washington, DC 20036 USA and BM 2394, London, WC1N 3XX
First English edition June 2009
An abbreviated version of this paper was originally published in German as
“Kommunismus und Islam im 20. Jahrhundert:
Ein Historischer Überblick,” in Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismus-Forschung 2009, Aufbau, Berlin
Design: Asim Mesihi
www.islamicpluralism.org www.islamicpluralism.eu www.islamicpluramism.de
ISBN 978-0-9558779-3-3
Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data.
A catalogue record for this book is pending with the Library of Congress
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Copyright © Center for Islamic Pluralism
All rights reserved
The authors’ rights have been asserted
This document may be reproduced and reposted by any user with acknowledgement of authorship and original publication. Bound offprints on paper will be supplied on request.
Cover photograph:
Muhammad Ibn 'Abd El-Krim El-Khattabi, leader of the Rif Berbers
Islam and Communism in the 20th Century
The present study is mainly concerned with relations between international Communism and the Islamic umma, or global community, rather than Moscow’s policies toward
Cited: in Schwartz, Stephen, Kosova: Background to a War, London, Anthem Press, 2000, p. movement, and the KPJ, Banac, Ivo, The National Question in Yugoslavia, Ithaca, Cornell U.P., 1988, the from the Russian Archives), Tirana, Botimet Toena, 2006 Communism and Islam in Albania and Kosova, 19411999: From the Partisan Movement of the Second World War to the Kosova Liberation War,” in The 26 Banac, Ivo, With Stalin Against Tito, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1988, p Islam and Communism in the 20th Century —An Historical Summary Journal of Croatian Studies (New York), 1992; published in Croatian as “Ante Ciliga (1898-1992): Život no povijesnim raskrižjima,” in Društvena Istraživanja (Zagreb), number 2-3, 1995. The English version is accessible at www.revolutionary-history.co.uk/[reviewed 28 Borkenau, Franz, The Communist International, London, Faber & Faber, 1938, pp Ian Birchall, London, Redwords, 2000. p. 34. 34 Porter, Cathy, Larissa Reisner, London, Virago, 1988, p Joseph Barnes, New York, Dutton, 1970. 39 Kolarz, Walter, Russia and Her Colonies, New York, Praeger, 1952, p of Antizionism in the German Communist Party (KPD) in the Weimar Republic, 1925-1933,” published by the 42 Messali Hadj, “Response to M. Deloche of l’Humanité” (1937), in Messali Hadj par les textes, ed. Jacques Simon. Algiers-Paris, Editions Bouchéne, 2000, tr 43 See Sánchez Ruano, Francisco, Islam y Guerra Civil Española, Madrid, La Esfera de los Libros, 2004 Brigadas Internacionales (España, 1936-39),” Revista internacional de sociología [Madrid], OctoberDecember 1988.