Islam and Communism
The communist ideology is in direct opposition with any religion as it clearly opposes the practice of religion and the existence of God. Nevertheless, neither of those practiced religions has resisted communism more than the Islamic states have at the time when communism was flourishing in different countries around the world. The fact that most states with a majority of Muslim population (even though some may be declared as secular states) attach great significance to the Islamic-inspired law (sheriah) explains why Islamic states always combated communist regimes particularly because living by the sheriah means living by religion.
Denying the existence of God to a people who use God’s evaluation of right and wrong to lead their lives is equivalent to depriving them from any reason to live for. One Islamic argumentation about why certain things should be done is simply the fear of God. Hence, it cannot function if every spiritual explanation of human life is denied. From an Islamic point of view communism reduces the importance of humans to their physical capability for labor which is in opposition with the Islamic concentration on the spiritual life. A potential explanation about how Islamic teachings denounce the importance of human physicality is the requirement that women cover their body completely and men do so partially. By covering up one’s physique, the emphasis on the importance of the spiritual is enhanced. That is also applicable as a metaphor to explain the prominence of the afterlife over the present life. Therefore, it is absurd to change the Islamic ideology where one would claim that the materialistic values are all that matter, particularly since Islamic dogmas and practices are difficult to bend. The sheriah is conservative and absolute and there can be no negotiations, hence communism could have never succeeded to overthrow it.
Islamic principles may well protect it from communist rule, however when it
Cited: West, Charles “Communism and the Theologians” 1958 Tibi, Bassam “Islam between Culture and Politics” 2001 Manji, Irshad “The trouble with Islam” 2003 Armstrong O.K. and Armstrong Marjorie “Religion can conquer communism” 1972 Hakim, Salman “Religion of Islam (History)” 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Pandey, Kundan “History of Communism” 1 May. 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Britannica Online Encyclopedia “History and Society” Web. 21 Nov. 2010.