Peace is a natural state which attracts each and every individual.
Meaning of peace
Peace and countries
Peace and Religion
Islam is the religion of peace
Islamic teachings of peace
Peace and Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
Muslims and peace in today’s world
Injustice to Muslim world
Peace in Muslim countries
Muslim terrorists portray a bad image of Islam
Peace can be achieved by dialogue and justice
Forgiveness can promote peace
Tolerant and peaceful Muslim society must have true understanding of the Islam
Islam created a society more free from prevalent cruelty and social tyranny than any society that has ever been in the world before. The peaceful atmosphere is required for the spiritual and moral progress of the individual. A good society can be developed in the atmosphere of peace. Islam does not permit rampant violence. But there is considerable prejudice against Muslims and they are viewed with suspicion.
Peace is a natural state which attracts each and every individual. It is a condition that everyone is looking for. Good person do not like to create turbulence that affects the peace. Peace is disturbed when the balance of rights and responsibilities between individuals and societies is lost. The lack of fulfillment of responsibilities and encroachment of rights can lead to deep wounds. These irreparable rifts can ultimately lead to full-fledged war.
Normally the meaning of peace is understood by individuals according to their culture, interest, benefits, and wishes. In every culture the meanings of peace are understood differently. The universal meaning of peace defines a state that provides inner satisfaction which in turns has a positive influence or impact on the outside environment. The dilemma in today’s world is that every country claims peace but indirectly every country somewhere somehow supports other countries that are working against peace or want to look at peace according to their benefit. It is interesting to