Sayyid Qutb answers the question of human existence and demonstrates why Islam is a living Religious tradition. Sunni and Shia Muslim’s regard Sayyid Qutb as one of the most influential Muslim thinkers of the modern era. The influence of his works extends to issues such as Westernisation, modernisation, political reform, the theory of ideology conflict between “Islam and the west” and the application of Jihad. His theoretical work on Islam advocacy, social justice and education, has left a significant mark on the Muslim brotherhood which was a positive influence by Qutb. Another positive influence was his political involvement. In 1952, the king of Egypt was overthrown by Gamal Abdel Nasser and a group of nationalist army with support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sayyid Qutb was also influential negatively. His greatest impact was through Islamic terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda. Therefore, through his legacy, Qutb answers the question of human existence.
The writings of Sayyid Qutb express why Islam is a living Religious tradition and answers the question of human existence. The two most important work of Sayyid Qutb are ‘In the shade of the Quran’ (1952) and ‘Milestones’ (1964). ‘In the shade of the Quran’, Qutb insists that the Quran provides the principles to live by and that all Muslim’s should engage in