Outline the key aspects of the life of Muhammad, his message, his migration to the Medina, and the establishment of Islam in Arabia.…
He brought back 12,000 slaves, 80 camels and 300 pounds of gold, the story got Muhammad thinking. The next day Muhammad and his family went out into the savannah to hunt for animals to trade. But Muhammad decided he would go on an adventure of his own and leave his clan so he could do all the great things Sundiata and Mansa Musa did. After a day of hunting with his family, he had enough food to last him a whole year. So Muhammad left his clan and decided to go where all the great leaders went-Mali. In 1365 Mali was known as Songhai many years past and Muhammad was now 23. He had been able to learn from what Sundiata & Mansa Musa did so he followed in their footsteps. Muhammad became very close to Sunni Ali (Present king of Songhai) he was his helper. Soon Muhammad had studied all of the kings of Mali and Songhai like Sundiata, Mansa Musa. By now Askia Muhammad was in power and the new king. Muhammad forged a strong relationship with him. When Askia Muhammad died and his son took over power, because Muhammad had now been known by many and stood by the side of…
Mansa Musa was one of the wealthiest person in human history; famous for his pilgrimage from Niani (the capital city of Mali) to Mecca. Several historians have called into question whether Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage was for religious reasons or not over the years, so was he a Devout Muslim, Or a Opportunist that used his own religion for personal gain? Mansa Musa was a preposterous sultan who used two of the Pillars of Islam as an excuse to make a journey to Mecca to increase his own personal glory in order to insult his enemies by awwing their people with vast quantities of gold and refusing to visit their leaders as he supposedly had to lead one of the largest and most wasteful caravans in human history that held no other purpose than to demonstrate the wealth, splendor, unity, and determination of the mostly non-Muslim people of Mali, in order for Mansa Musa to engrave a fake legacy throughout Northern Africa.…
1. _________________was the individual that was born in Mecca and spread the idea of Islam…
A king’s journey always has effects. Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca effected both the economics and political views in Africa. For good and for bad, Musa intended to make the pilgrimage for him. Even though Mansa Musa thought he was making the journey for himself and his religion, it was more widely viewed as a celebration and praise for him and his kingdom through his generosity.…
With a net worth equivalent to over $400 billion today, he is far and away the richest person to ever live. Not only was this tycoon immensely wealthy, he was also quite generous with his wealth, as described in document 4. One reason for his generosity was his religion. Mansa Musa was a muslim, and was therefore obligated to give away a portion of his wealth each year to charity. He more than came through on this, according to the Egyptian official in document 4, “there was no person, officer of the court, or holder of any office of the Sultanate who did not receive a sum of gold from…
In efforts to efficiently organize Mali, he founded the country on the basis of productivity and richness in agriculture. Considering that location is important for structure, he established the Malian empire’s capital at Niani. Niani was located near the upper Niger river. The trans-Sahara caravan was a route from the Middle East & Far west, Europe, North Africa, to the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. That Sub-saharan region included but was not limited to: Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, Algeria, and Nigeria. The long distance trade was chiefly orchestrated by the Wangara people along the Niger River from Timbuktu to Senegal. It was mostly used by agriculturalist, herdsmen, hunter soldiers, and herdsmen. The trading of gold, salt, copper, and humans by African traders in exchange for cowry shells, cotton cloth, and Chinese porcelain from visitors was very prominent. Trader contacts increased by 800-1500 people due to a growing international trade network. As stated in the introduction paragraph, the trading of those goods, animals, and humans caused more people to migrate in and out of Africa. This was the main link that led to the spread of Islam. The most compelling evidence of this is the fact that the Arabian traders that settled along the coast of the Nile River and were one responsible factor of the spread of Islam by intermarrying within the local population. Similarly, the Muslim merchants could trade with people in many different areas because Arabia was at a crossroads location. Islam was also adopted by the kings and their royal families. Islam was mainly accepted by rulers because it promoted economic and social growth, which in turn made for a better equipped nation. Seeing that west Africa was made up of stateless societies, authority was also organized around ancestral reverence or other obligations. Because Sundiata was the son of a great…
The presence of Islam in the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai also created a large improvement in government through the general expansion of their empires. A very crucial part of the spread of Islam in Mali was Mansa Musa, who was a Muslim leader who helped the practice of Islam multiply all over West Africa. Mansa Musa combined military success with Sundiata, who was another ruler of Mali, and so their combination of creativity and power created a stronger government for Mali (McKay, Mali 242). Additionally, Musa was extremely devoted to the practice of Islam and so on his pilgrimage to Mecca, he continued to expand the empire and spread the religion of Islam (McKay, Mali 242). During his pilgrimage, he brought with him over five hundred slaves who, on every Friday, would build a mosque.…
He wanted this trip to be unforgettable, and to give others around the world a reason to come to Mali. He brought sixty thousand people with him, 500 being slaves. He also brought 100 camels, and in total, 192,000 ounces of gold. In no way was he shy about his surplus of gold, for showing off his riches was the point of the trip. One of his most famous stops along the way was when he went to Cairo and gave away so much gold, Cairo suffered a horrible inflation period where their money was basically worthless, and didn’t get their money system back to normal for about ten years. By showing off the gold, and handing showering the lands he passed with it, it made others want more, and made them want to come to Mali, instead of him having to cross the Sahara to get to them. Even though he took gold from his people, it was used for the better. Because of this trip commercializing Mali and its surplus of gold, mapmakers started showing Mali on their maps, and more traders started braving the cruel weather of the Sahara to go to Mali. Also we got a more efficient trade route. Along with this, Muslim schools and architecture started to be built in Mali, bringing a more concrete education and religion to the…
Sunni, Shiite, and Sufi are three branches of Islam. The Shiite and Sunni’s were the first really major division of the Islamic religion. This division was the result of a political argument over who should precede Muhammed. Sunni’s name means tradition and they believed the legitimacy of the Orthodox caliphates, and based everything off those beliefs. Sunni’s believe that Muhammad did not designate a successor. Now Shiite’s get their name from the word Shia, which means faction. They believe that Muhammad did leave a successor and it was the son-in-law and cousin of Muhammad named, Ali. They do not believe the same thing as Sunnis and disagree and do not get along with them. Now Sufi’s are” a contemplative school of Islam that aims to develop an individual 's consciousness of God though chanting, recitation of litanies, music and physical movement (SCRUGGS, 2010, para. )” Sufis find the importance by approaching the inner meaning of god through mysticism. They want to find the hidden meanings of the world they do not read or follow the Qur’an as strictly and as a result have closer relationships to other religions (SCRUGGS,…
Snapshots are all taken directly from the Advanced Placement Course Description for world history. In general they approximate most nearly the “Compare and Contrast” essay. They can be converted to “Change and Continuity over Time” essays…
Reason 1- By allowing national prayer, we respect the founding father's laws set up for us.…
Muhammad wanted his fellow Meccans to carry to message on to people who didn’t believe. He had a small group of followers and he wanted them to only horn one true God, leave false deities behind and care for the less fortunate. Muhammad most insistent message was the oneness of God. The five pillars of Islam are 1. Proclaim the phrase “There is no God but God and Muhammad is His Prophet”.…
Today in America many new followers of Islam experience confusion when choosing which area to examine first. Many devout Muslims believe that the true basis for understanding Islam begins and ends with the study of Mohammed's life and his creation and writing of the Q'uran under Allah's direction and spirit. However, the understanding and study of any religion (that will become your way of life) must include the close examination of peoples, history and the influence or spread into other countries. One paramount area of Islam that must be examined is the influence of Islam in other countries. We must consider: With the mass spread of Islam in parts of Africa, exactly how did that occur? Or who was responsible for the transformation of government, politics, and this religion in such an important continent of Africa?…
Exploring the religious and cultural dynamics and understanding of the Islamic Religion in a global…