A Paper
Submitted to
Dr. Cky Carrigan
The Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Introduction to Apologetics
APOL 500
By Ronnie Tabor (St ID 864479)
O’Fallon, IL
April 29, 2011
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 1
BASIC SUMMARY..................................................................................................... 1
ISLAMIC BELIEF SYSTEM FLAWS.......................................................................... 3
SHARING THE GOSPEL WITH ISLAM………...…………………………..……… 4
CONCLUSION .……………………………………………………………………… 5
BIBLIOGRAPHY.......................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION The topic of Islam never fails to deliver passion from those who attack it, as well as fierce support from those which practice Islam. This passion results in dogmatism within the Muslim community and fear from those that do not understand its teachings. Unfortunately most Americans and Christians only associate beheadings and burka clad women with Islam. This paper will go beyond these stereo types and provide an objective summary of this worldview, review the flaws inherent in its practice and how to most effectively share the gospel with a Muslim.
While the religion of Islam is a direct result of Abraham’s lack of faith by conceiving Ishmael through Hagar, after Jehovah had promised a son to he and Sarah, the history of Islam is not nearly as old as the Abrahamic covenant. Ron Carlson writes in Fast Facts on False Teachings that, “According to Muslim tradition, the angel Gabriel came to Muhammad. And they take this as a sign that Muhammad was a prophet to the Arabs.” Muhammad lived in the 6th century and most people, Muslims
Bibliography: Ankerberg, John, and John Weldon. Fast Facts on Islam. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2001. 1-3. Print. Carlson, Ron, and Ed Decker Freeman, James M. ; Chadwick, Harold J.: Manners & Customs of the Bible. Rev. . North Brunswick, NJ : Bridge-Logos Publishers, 1998, S. 72 Hindson, Edward E., and Ergun Mehmet Jansen, G. Richard. "Abraham, Jesus, Muhammed." Lamar.ColoState.EDU. 1 Aug. 2006. Web. 28 Apr. 2011. <>. Unknown [ 4 ]. Unknown. "If It Is Not Now Time for Khilafah, Then When?" Hizb Ut Tahrir. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. . [ 5 ]. Hindson, Edward E., and Ergun Mehmet. Caner. The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics. Eugene, Or.: Harvest House, 2008. 277-81. Print. [ 6 ]. Freeman, James M. ; Chadwick, Harold J.: Manners & Customs of the Bible. Rev. ed.]. North Brunswick, NJ : Bridge-Logos Publishers, 1998, S. 72 [ 7 ]