Subject: Research methodology for business
Research topic: Islamic banking system in Islamic and non-Islamic countries.
Course: MSc in banking and finance
Executive summary---------------------------------------------------------- 3
Chapter 1: Introduction
i. Background ------------------------------------------------------------- 4
ii. Objectives, research questions and research hypotheses --------- 5
iii. Scope --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
iv. Glossary of Islamic Banking and Financial Terms ---------------- 7
Chapter 2: Literature review
i. Introduction to Islamic banking --------------------------------------- 9
ii. Islamic banking vs. conventional banking.--------------------------- 11
iii. Implementation of Islamic banking.----------------------------------- 13
iv. Research frameworks --------------------------------------------------- 16
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18
Executive summary
The main idea of this research is based on research topic “Islamic banking in Islam and non-Islam countries”, on the basis of the theories of Research methodology for Business.
The outline of the report is as follows:
• Introduction includes the background of the topic, research objectives, research scopes and research questions.
• Literature review consists of number of subchapters which is related to the research topic.
• References.
Chapter one: Introduction
1.1 Background
It is very important to understand basic principles and have some knowledge of Islamic history and Islam itself, in order to understand Islamic banking and finance. But in this research passage the background of Islamic banking and finance