All praises are due to Allah (swt); His blessing be upon His Messenger and His rightful servants.
I thank Allah for his mercy and grace to let me complete this assignment. I am grateful to be assigned with this interesting topic.
First of all, I would like to thank Professor Dr Razali Nawawi, my Islamic Obligation Lecturer (MCL Program) for his guidance and help throughout the making of this task. Your ideas and brilliant thoughts are very useful to me. Your recommendation of the book by Ibnu Taymiya has gained me valuable knowledge.
To my parents and family, thanks for the endless support and never ending love. I can never make it without all of you…..thank you very much.
1.1 Preliminary The rights and obligations of people have been spelled out by the Shari’a and an effort has been made to inculcate a new approach in all members of the society to see that while they fulfill their own needs they do not injure anyone else’s rights. The Islamic vision of a just and prosperous society is one of an enterprising and sharing community which values increase in virtue and equity.[1]
Al-Hisba is one such institution developed by the Muslims to help regulate the society and economy and ensure the full flowering of the Islamic norms of behaviour. Among the function of hisba is to maintain public law and order.[2]
1.2 Statement of Problem a) Are statutory provisions adequate to curb public vandalism against public properties? b) Who is the authority responsible to monitor public properties? c) What are the public duties towards public properties?
1.3 Hypothesis a) Statutory provisions regarding public properties are inadequate if there is lack of enforcement by the public authorities. b) Briberies and incompetence on the part of enforcement officers played vital role in the failure to control vandalism against public
References: 2. Anwarullah, The Criminal Law of Islam, A.S. Nordeen, Kuala Lumpur, 1997. 3. Ibn Taymiya, Public Duties in Islam, The Institution of the Hisba, The Islamic Foundation, United Kingdom, 1982. 3. Mohammad Tahir Haji Mohammad, Rights and Duties in Shari’ah Common Law, Ilmiah Publishers, Petaling Jaya, 2003. 4. Muhamad Akram Khan, Appendix written in Public Duties In Islam, The Institution of the Hisba, The Islamic Foundation, United Kingdom, 1982. 5. Salleh Buang, Malaysian Torrens System, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1989. 4. Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967 (Consolidated and Revised 1989) Act 388 5 [1] Ibn Taymiya, Public Duties in Islam, The Institution of the Hisba, The Islamic Foundation, United Kingdom, 1982, at p. 6. [3] 1948 and 1967 (Consolidated and Revised 1989) Act 388 [4] 1976, Act 171 [33] Abdul Razak bin Ahmad (personal discussion, 22nd February 2007) [34] Cowan, M., A dictionary of Modern Written Arabic’ [35] Muhamad Akram Khan, Appendix written in Public Duties In Islam, The Institution of the Hisba, The Islamic Foundation, United Kingdom, 1982, at p. 135. [45] Ibnu Taymiya, , Public Duties in Islam, The Institution of the Hisba, The Islamic Foundation, United Kingdom, 1982, at p.23.