Oppression of woman means that one other gender thinks he is the ¨dominant¨ and more powerful based on the sex of the person. They use traditional stereotypes to ¨prove¨ how one sex is above the other one. In this essay it will be exposed how woman are oppressed in Islam by going through three main points: Religion, laws and sexual violence.
Religion teaches them from the beginning how men are ¨better¨ than women. Here are some examples of the Koran:
On the Koran: If a man has divorced his wife. ¨He cannot remarry her until she has wedded another man and been divorced by him.¨2 Why would a woman need to remarry and have sexual intercourse, who, according to Muhammad is necessary to have had sexual intercourse with the second one if not, it does not count as a complete marriage with the second one? 3
On the Koran: ¨If ye fear that you shall not be able to marry the women of your choice, two or three or four¨4Polygamy is not only accepted but support it. How can men learn to accept women when they are prostrated as objects? How can the love their women when they can have more than one?
On the Koran: ¨Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because men spend their wealth to maintain them. God has guarded them. Good women are obedient. They guard the unseen parts because God has guarded them. As far for those among you who fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them¨5 The Koran is actually telling men that they are allowed to beat their women. This is a repulsive thing to say. How can there be a religion who guides itself on these principles? For these reasons of why it is obvious that Islamic religion supports women oppression.
The laws in Islamic