Submitted BY:-
Hassan Munir 110468
Hamza Anwar
M.Hamza Mughal
Marriage in the light of QURAN and SUNAH
Table of Content:- * Spouses * Whom to Marry * Mahr * Nikkah * Walima
In Islam it is clear that marriage is the optimum lifestyle.
“And among His signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed Signs for people who reflect.” [30:21].”
Yet, as more and more Muslims become a part of the ‘West’, the ‘West’ becomes part of the Ummah and leads us away from the strict interpretation of Islamic guidelines in regard to marriage. Making sure that Muslims are well-matched to their spouses is one of the most important and potentially difficult functions in Muslim society. The individual seeking marriage must have his/her priorities straight and be clear on what characteristics are most important to be sought in a spouse in order to have a successful marriage. There are many characteristics that are important in a husband or a wife but some are much more important than others. Overemphasizing the wrong qualities can lead to disaster down the road just as being neglectful of certain considerations can do likewise. When we come to understand the goals and priorities of marriage in Islam, we may be guided to the Islamic methodology of seeking marriage in Islam and stop blindly following the disbelievers in their ignorant notions of the importance of “getting to know each other” and other such concepts which in reality contribute nothing to and more often sabotage a successful marriage.
The Prophet (saw) taught us in many hadith about the various characteristics which one looks for in a spouse and their relative importance and which ones determine success insha Allah and Allah’s blessing on a marriage. Among those hadith:
“A woman is married for her