Organic Chemistry
December 10, 2012
Steam Distillation of Cloves and Extraction of Eugenol Authors
Edward J. Cross*
The isolation of Eugenol from Cloves begins with whole cloves and then using a steam distillation apparatus to obtain the cloves oil substance. Then with the mixtures of water and dichloromethane to form two immiscible layers. The layers were dichloromethane substance and aqueous The entire substances that are separated into two individual flasks. Then doing the rest of the chemistry experiment and performing all of the necessary techniques (extract the chemical substances Eugonol and Acetyleugenol) from the clove oil.
“The Isolation of Eugenol using the Steam Distillation or the Fractional experiment or often referred as the Liquid- Liquid Extraction. The main goal is the isolate of the chemical substance
Eugenol; it’s performed either by two techniques: Stream distillation” or the Liquid to Liquid extraction. The Steam Distillation theory it’s often used to purify chemical substances with high pointing and extraction eugenol from the clove plant. Water was added to ensure the steam distillation primary objective to get the by product (clove oil). The concept of the entire steam distillation is based on the theory of the simple distillation that temperature “(Raoult’s Law) P total
= P (A)N(A) + P(a) N(a)”. It states in general when you have a miscible substance or liquid that you are distillation at certain temperatures, the mole ratio of the reactive must be equal to the mole ratio of the product formed by chemical reaction.
Materials and Methods
Eugenol experiment begins with 25 grams of whole cloves placed in a flask and added 100 ml of water. Then setup the steam distillation apparatus and placing boiling chips to flask. The flask should be heated enough to boil cloves but then slightly reduced the temperature prevent foam