There is a bad rainstorm that he is caught in, with no shelter he is stuck in the rain. In a scene from when he first arrived to the island Zemeckis focuses on the background of where chuck is standing, there is a tree growing on the outside of the mountain. Zemeckis was trying to silently tell the audience that there is a cave with fresh water, because a tree is growing out of the side of the cave. Later, Chuck remembers the cave, goes into it during his first rainy night on the island. Chuck uses this cave continuously throughout the story as a home for him to sleep in and paint. Chuck knows rain is clean to drink, so the day after the rainy night he went searching for clean water. He had found water in the cave, and a leaf with water on it like a cup and drank that. Later in the movie, as Chuck is in the ocean on his homemade boat, he is caught in a rainstorm again. Chuck uses empty coconuts with holes in the top and leaves them out in the rain to collect fresh water. Zemeckis used a couple ways for Chuck to find something to drink so he wouldn’t get dehydrated, he uses the coconuts water to drink and the white meat inside the coconut to eat. All Chuck has left from the crash, were things on his body, this included a few layers of clothes and a watch. This was a pocket watch given to him, from his girlfriend, inside the watch was a picture of his girlfriend. He used the image of his girlfriend as a way to pursue, he …show more content…
At the beginning of the movie, Zemeckis decided to have a way to give Chuck some resources. He did think by having the resources float up to Chuck by the Ocean's waves, with this Chuck got many random boxes. Chuck got a pair of ice skates, with these he used the laces and bubble wrap from the package. Chuck used these to wrap a wound on his leg so he wouldn't bleed out. The blades were tied to a stick and used as an axe, the toe of the blade was used to carve holes in coconuts to drink and to chop wood for his boat and to make a fire. The waves also gave him a package, containing a volleyball with a card saying “The world is a beautiful place”. Zemeckis showed this and then Tom Hanks face of him reading the card. This card was ironic, because people think of islands as paradise. However, Chuck was on an island and found it anything but paradise. Chuck keeps the volleyball and paints a face on the volleyball with his bloody hand and makes a smiley face. Chuck uses the volleyball as a friend, he names him Wilson and talks to him as if he were a real person. Zemeckis uses Wilson as a way to let Chuck talk to someone so he doesn't go psychologically insane. As the years go by Chuck changes and so does Wilson, Chuck gets skinnier because he has been starving and have a lot of facial hair. Wilson also somehow gets ripped on the top of his head the strings of the volleyball from the rip