
Israel/ Palestine Conflict

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Israel/ Palestine Conflict
The Israeli – Palestine Conflict:
Conflict is when there is a disagreement between people. Conflict is common because people have different interests and points of view. Unless conflicts are resolved, they can often lead to tension, violence, or even war.

The conflict I will be talking about is the ongoing conflict over territory between Gaza and the West Bank, which involves Jews and Arabs. The conflict over territory between the Israeli's and the Palestinian's began many years ago in 1948; however the current conflict began in 1987.

Before WW1, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, but after the war the British took control. However, conflict had already begun between the Arabs and the Jews wanting to occupy the area. The Jews hadn’t had their own state for over 2000 years. They saw the biblical land of Palestine (Israel) as their natural home. The Jewish people base their claim to the land of Palestine on these three theses:
1) God promised the land to the patriarch Abraham
2) Jewish people captured, settled and developed the land
3) The international community granted political power in Palestine to the Jewish people

During WW2, thousands of Jews fled Europe due to anti-Semitism. The Jews set-up communities in Palestine. After WW2, in 1947, the UN decided that Palestine would be divided into a Jewish state, an Arab state, and Jerusalem. This was not accepted by the Arabs (Palestinians), as well as Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Although the Jews agreed and the state of Israel was declared. A war broke out, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in Israel fled, becoming refugees, to the West Bank and Gaza. In 1949, three states were created in an attempt to prevent more conflict. These were: * The State of Israel, including Jerusalem: (a national home for the Jewish people) * The West Bank: (An Arab territory controlled by Jordan) * Gaza: (An Arab territory controlled by Egypt)
Many Palestinians still didn’t

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