Exercises for the planes of movement.
SAGITTAL: Is a vertical plane dividing the body into right and left halves.
Crunches – Lay flat on the ground with your back on the floor; keep your spine in neutral position, knees up with feet off the ground keeping leg in a 90 degree angle, hands by the ears or across the chest. Focus on a spot above, as you flex abs upward. Your lower back should remain on the floor, making sure only shoulders, head and neck come up off floor.
Barbell Curl – Place the barbell on floor in front of your feet. Legs should be about hip-width apart, keep back straight as you bend to pick up the barbell, using reverse grip. Return to a standing position with barbell in your hand. From there bend your elbows and curl the barbell up to your chest.
Leg Extension – Sit at machine; place your back against the pad. Place front of lower legs against the lever. Extend legs till they’re parallel with the floor, then slowly bring them back to starting position while keeping the weight under control.
FRONTAL: Is any vertical plane that divides the body into ventral and dorsal (belly and back) sections
Jumping Jacks –Start with your feet together and arms at your side. Jump “out” landing with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your heels off the ground. Simultaneously, swing your straight arms out to the side until fingers meet above your head. Return to original position at next jump, repeat. Military Press – Sit so back, shoulder blades and head rest against back bench pad. With arms perpendicular to the floor, hold dumbbells at shoulder level, palms forward. Raise dumbbells overhead as you exhale till elbows are completely extended. Inhale as you slowly return to original position with control.
Side Planks – Lying on your side, support your upper body with one forearm resting on the ground and your legs extended out, stacked on top of one