Reconnaissance , Scanning, Gaining Access, Maintaining Access , Covering Tracks
2. During the reconnaissance step of the attack, describe what task Zenmap GUI performs to do passive OS fingerprinting.
Nmap uses the –O option to perform OS fingerprinting. The process monitors and captures network traffic. The traffic is then analyzed for patterns that would suggest which operating systems are in use.
3. What step in the hacking attack process uses Zenmap GUI? Scanning
4. What step in the hacking attack process identifies known vulnerabilities and exploits? Vulnerabilities and exploits are identified by enumeration, which is the most aggressive of the scanning stage.
5. During the scanning step of the hacking attack process, you identified known software vulnerabilities in a Windows XP Professional Workstation. List the name and number of the critical Microsoft® vulnerabilities identified. What is vulnerability “MS08-067”?
MS04-022: Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler Remote Overflow (841873)
MS03-043: Buffer Overrun in Messenger Service (828035)
MS06-035: Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (917159)
MS03-039: Microsoft RPC Interface Buffer Overrun (824146)
MS04-011: Security Update for Microsoft Windows (835732)
MS09-001: Microsoft Windows SMB Vulnerabilities Remote Code Execution (958687)
MS05-027: Vulnerability in SMB Could Allow Remote Code Execution (896422)
MS02-045: Microsoft Windows SMB Protocol SMB_COM_TRANSACTION Packet Remote Overflow DoS (326830)
MS05-007: Vulnerability in Windows Could Allow Information Disclosure (888302)
Vulnerability MS08-067 is an exposure in Server Service that could allow remote code execution in an affected system. The operating systems affected are Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
6. Which tool and application were used to exploit the identified vulnerability on the targeted Microsoft® Windows