"The healthcare enterprise is one of the most important part of the U. S. social system and of our economic system as well".(Kovner and Knickman, 2011). A first defining characteristic of the health care enterprise is the line between activities directed at keeping people healthy and those directed at restoring health once the disease or injury occurs. The state of "health" is viewed differently by different people based upon the knowledge, religion, belief, and economy. There are also barriers to access to care like race, culture, sex and gender, education and resource availability.(Kovner & Knickman 2011). Issue - Chronic Diseases
Based upon the article "At-risk patients Gain Attention of Health Insurers" by Reed Abelson, February 2012 in New York Times magazine, I chose chronic disease as an issue that affects the health care delivery in United States. More than 70 million Americans age 50 plus have at least one chronic condition. Five of most common chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, chronic lower respiratory disease, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease and cancer) accounted for an estimated 19% to 28% of the increase in overall U.S. healthcare spending between 1987 and 2000.(Thorpe, Florence, & Joski, 2004). Chronic diseases are more common and costly of all health problems, but they are also most preventable.(Centers for Disease Control & Prevention). Growing evidence indicates that a comprehensive approach to prevention can save tremendous costs and needless suffering. Negative aspects of the issue
Chronic diseases create a growing burden on health care spending. Major chronic diseases are responsible for more than 75% of the nation 's health care expenditure. Chronic conditions also create activity limitations for 69 million adults over the age
References: Abelson, R. (2012, February 20). At risk patients Gain Attention of Health Insurers. New York Times. Retrieved from www.nytimes.com Ezekiel, E. J. (2010, November 16). Saving by the Bundle. New York Times. Retrieved from www.nytimes.com Kovner, A. R., & Knickman, J. R. (2011). Jonas & Kovner’s Health Care Delivery in the United States (10 ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company. Laureate education.Inc. (Producer). (2012). Introduction to Healthcare Delivery, Part II: Healthcare Reform. Available from http://class.waldenu.edu/webapps/portal. Marks, J. S. (2003). Health related Quality of Life Reveals full impact of Chronic Diseases. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/hrqol/pdfs/CDNRwinter03.pdf Schimpff, S. C. (2011). The Future of Healthcare Delivery. Retrieved from http://www.medicalmegatrends.com/rise-chronic-disease-America.html Thorpe, K. E., Florence, C. S., & Joski, P. (2011). Which medical conditions account for the rise in health care spending? Retrieved January 23, 2011, from http://content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/content/full/hlthaff