Delhi Section Convention
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
September 5-6, 2013
Technical Sessions Schedule Day 1-5th September 2013, Technical Session I-2.15pm to 4.15 pm TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN THE NEW MILLENIUM
Session Chair- Prof S. K. Garg, Professor and Head, Training and Placement Dept, DTU, Delhi
Session Co-Chair-Dr. Narendra Kumar,Director, Krishna Institute of Engg. and Technology, Ghaziabad, U.P
ISTE 113
Towards an Educational Audit of Technical Institutions an Overview
J.N.Rai, Anubhav Gupta
ISTE 115
Experiments in Engineering Curriculum – A Revisit Through Approaches of Design of Experiments
S. Sanyal, A R Singh, Tej Kumar
ISTE 117
“EDU-OPT”-A Decision Support Tool“Edu-Opt”-A Decision Support Tool
Daya Gupta, Malaya Dutta Borah, Gokul Pandey
ISTE 118
Quality and Performance Assessment for Government Owned Technical Institutions
Sabah Khan
ISTE 122
Industry Institute Interaction in Practice A Case Study of Govt. Engg. Colleges in Delhi
Dipti Mal, Kavita Singh
ISTE 123
Quality in Higher Education-A Global Perspective
S.S.Prasad, S. K. Atreya
ISTE 128
Technical Universities of Third Millennium: New Vistas in Academics and Governance
R. C. Sharma
ISTE 131
Role of ICT for in Technical Education Through E-Learning and E-Consulatancy
Kavita Choudhary, Anuradha
ISTE 132
Shift in Teaching and Learning Paradigm: Innovations and Strategy
Apoorvi Sood
ISTE 140
A Systemic Approach for Biomedical Engineering in Technical Educational Institution
Devendra kumar Deshmukh,
ISTE 147
Simulation: An Effective Teaching Tool
Vipin Khurana, Nipun Nikunj
ISTE 150 Lack of Employability Skills Among The Engineering Graduates
Saroj Bala
ISTE 163
Growth of Technical Institutions in India POST-LIBERISATION
Nand Kumar, Tushar Sonal, Apoorv Verma
ISTE 166
The Journey Towards Liberation: