The Currency Conversion application is a menu-driven program that allows users to select one of five international currency types, input the amount of a foreign currency, and then converts the foreign currency to dollars. The program displays the equivalent dollar amount and returns the user to the menu until another conversion is inputted or quits the program.
International currency type (menu selection) * Canadian dollars (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 1.4680 Canadian dollars) * Mexican pesos (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 9.5085 pesos) * English pounds (rate: 1.6433 U.S. dollars = 1 pound) * Japanese yen (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 104.9200 yen) * French francs (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 6.2561 francs)
Menu Convert United States currency to specified foreign currency | Convert specified foreign currency to United States currency |
Application-Level Requirements List 1. The program will present a series of user screens that prompts the user for specified input. 2. The main user screen will have an application title. 3. The main user screen should have a short description saying how to use the program. 4. The calculation should be executed only after all the valid input values are provided. 5. The program will allow the user to clear all the input fields and do the calculations over.
Input-Process-Output Chart Input | Process | Output | Currency AmountCurrency TypeRate | Get user input | Currency AmountCurrency TypeRate | Currency Type | Enter Foreign Currency | Currency Type | Currency Amount | Enter Dollar Amount | Dollar Amount | Foreign Value | Convert Currency | U.S. Value | Currency AmountCurrency TypeRate | Display Results | Conversion/Equivalent Dollar Amount |