Technology for tomorrow
2013 WCI1601 Module Guide
School of Information and Communication Technology
Missionvale Campus
IT Essentials 1 – WCI1601
Compiled by: NB Dyira
Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment & Information Technology
Technology for tomorrow
2013 WCI1601 Module Guide
School of Information and Communication Technology
Missionvale Campus
IT Essentials 1 – WCI1601
Compiled by: NB Dyira
General Code : WCI1601 Level : 1st Year Weight : Lecturer : NB Dyira Last reviewed : Jan 2013 Purpose
On completion of this subject, the student should be able to describe and explain the functionality of hardware and software components as well as suggested best practices in maintenance, and safety issues. The students should also be able to assemble and configure a computer, install operating systems and software and troubleshoot hardware and software problems. Methodology
The methodology employed in this subject cover a wide array of teaching methods. Learners will attend lectures, partake in group work, read suggested material, complete laboratory assignments, projects and take written tests. The methods are balanced in the following way. * Proposed Methods Method | Percentage | Lectures & Class Tests | 50 | Troubleshooting Tutorials | 18 | Practical Worksheets | 22 | Cisco Online Chapter Exams | 10 | Self-Study | Extra time | | 100 % | * Contact Sessions
All contact sessions are scheduled in two 35-minute periods. Each week you must attend the following double period contact sessions: * A theory lecture * A tutorial lesson * A practical session * A theory class test An extra single period is scheduled for you to complete the weekly Cisco online exam. A detailed schedule is attached. The course is an examinable subject. Learners must accumulate their class mark up to 40 in order to be allowed to write the exam. Weights will be assigned according to the lecturer’s discretion. Study Material There is no prescribed text for this subject. The prescribed course material is made available to the student on the local computer network. However, the student may consult any course material that is similar to the IT Essentials syllabus and the A+ syllabus if he/she wishes to do so. The Cisco learning material website is: http://r125cnap1/. This site contains the study materials that are required for the course. In addition to the above, you will be required to do reading from various sources as dictated in the relevant lectures and assignments. In addition to this, learners will be referred to certain websites for up-to-date information. Several useful websites for additional reading will also be prescribed weekly.
Assessment The course mark will be a weighted average of the semester tests, worksheets and an exam. Weights will be assigned according to the lecturer’s discretion. Assessment | Weight | Date | Type | Online Chapter Tests | 5% | Weekly | Open book | Tutorial Worksheets | 5% | Weekly | Use Cisco material, the web and library | Written Class Tests | 5% | Weekly | Closed book | Practical Skills Exam | 10% | TBC | PC assemblyPC components & BIOSOS utilities, networking, Windows 7 | Online Final Exam | 15% | TBC | Closed book | Semester Tests X 2 | 60% | SemTest 1: 8 – 12 AprilSemTest 2: 13 – 17 May | Closed book (1 – 10)Closed book (11 – 16) |
General information and regulations
Please note the following extract from the Prospectus of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and IT:
3. GENERAL INFORMATION AND REGULATIONS 3.1 REGULATIONS Note: Every student of this Faculty is also bound by the NMMU regulations as contained in the General Prospectus. The Dean of the Faculty will take disciplinary action in the event of the contravention of either a Faculty or a General Regulation. Special attention should be paid to the following regulations:
1. 70% of all practical assignments must be handed in. Students who do not hand in at least 70% of all practical assignments, will not gain admission to examination.
2. At least 80 % of all lectures for each registered subject have to be attended. In the case of inadequate attendance:
for examinable subjects, exam admission will be denied;
for continuous evaluation subjects, a student will be given a result of FAIL.
Medical certificates have to be handed in to the Faculty Officer within one week after a test or any other type of official evaluation has taken place. A student may apply to the Faculty Committee for permission for absence due to playing sport at provincial or national level or for official NMMU sport.
3. Students must acquaint themselves with the regulations of the Faculty regarding the use of hardware, software and the network. Transgression of these regulations will result in the suspension of the student’s access to the Network.
4. General Regulation E1.14: A faculty may refuse the re-registration of a student on grounds of poor academic performance.
Note: Only students who comply with the Promotion Regulations, see (4.3.4) will be allowed to re-register.
5. General Regulation E1.15 Special Examinations.
6. General Regulation E1.17 Supplementary Examinations.
7. General Regulation E1.14.4 Faculty Regulation: Should a student’s progress during a study year be academically unsatisfactory, the Faculty reserves the right to terminate the student’s studies at any given time.
Note: Subject registration of students whose progress is unsatisfactory during the first semester, will be cancelled in accordance with the above-mentioned regulation.
8. Where subjects are divided into modules, students will register for first semester modules in the first semester and for second semester modules in the second semester. This implies that a deposit must be paid before registration in the first semester, as well as in the second semester. Student accounts will be debited with the fees for second semester modules once the second semester modules have been registered.
Please note that in the event of a medical certificate being submitted, the NMMU reserves the right to consult the medical doctor concerned as to the severity of the disorder. Corrective action in the case of a missed evaluation is entirely at the discretion of the lecturer(s) involved and may take the form of: * a sick test based on the same work as the missed test, * an absent given for the tests and the rest of the marks weighted accordingly, * a practical evaluation of the work where that is deemed feasible, * an oral examination, or * a combined sick test at the end of term that covers all work.
Objections to the lecturer’s conduct in class must be discussed with the relevant Head of Department and/or furnished in writing to the Faculty Management Committee of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and IT through the Faculty Officer.
Core Syllabus
Students will complete Cisco IT Essentials (PC Hardware and Software). All students will be enrolled officially into this Cisco course. If a student fails to obtain the Cisco certificate, this does not mean that this student will fail the subject WCI1601. He/she may continue to the end of the course, and still pass WCI1601 based on his/her other assessments and progress. The following chapters will be completed: Chapter | Objectives | Introductory Chapters | 1. Personal Computers | Identify and describe the various components that make up a personal computer and define Information technology | 2. Safe Lab Procedure and Tool Use | Identify and describe tools used for computer service and how to use those tools safely | 3. Computer Assembly | Describe the assembly of a personal computer | 4. Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting | Describe the purpose of preventative maintenance and basic troubleshooting steps | 5. Operating Systems | Describe operating system capabilities, installation process, navigation, basic preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting | 6. Laptops and Portable Devices | Identify and describe the various components of laptops & portable devices, basic preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting | 7. Printers and Scanners | Identify and describe the differences between printers and scanners, installation & configuration, basic preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting | 8. Networks | Identify and describe basic network components, technologies, basic preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting | 9. Security | Identify and describe security threats, procedures, basic preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting | 10. Communication Skills | Describe professional skills and communication techniques | Advanced Chapters | 11. Personal Computers | Describe the process for replacing or upgrading personal computer components, apply preventive maintenance and troubleshooting techniques | 12. Operating Systems | Describe the process of installation/upgrade, configuration, and optimization of a computer operating system, apply preventive maintenance and troubleshooting techniques | 13. Laptops and Portable Devices | Describe the process for replacing or upgrading laptop or portable device components, common wireless communication technologies, apply preventive maintenance and troubleshooting techniques | 14. Printers and Scanners | Install and configure local and network shared printers and scanners, apply preventive maintenance and troubleshooting techniques | 15. Networks | Design and implement a basic network based on customer requirements, apply preventive maintenance and troubleshooting techniques | 16. Security | Implement security measures based on customer requirements, apply preventive maintenance and troubleshooting techniques |
Critical Cross-field Outcomes
The following cross curriculum outcomes are emphasised: * identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made; * work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation or community; * organise and manage oneself and one’s activities responsibly and effectively; * collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information; * communicate using visual, mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral/written presentation; * use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others; * demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation; * being culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts
Weekly Schedule | Week | Topic | Assessments | | | | Weekly | Once off | 0 | Feb 11 – 15 | Admin and Overview, Cisco Registration | 1 | Feb 18 - 22 | Chapter 1: Introduction to Personal ComputersChapter 2: Safe Laboratory Procedures and Tool Use | Assignment 1 | | 2 | Feb 25 – Mar 1 | Chapter 3: Computer AssemblyChapter 4: Preventative Maintenance & Troubleshooting | Assignment 2a | | 3 | Mar 4 - 8 | Chapter 5: Fundamental Operating Systems | Assignment 2b | | 4 | Mar 11 - 15 | Chapter 6: Fundamental Laptops and Portable DevicesChapter 7: Fundamental Printers and Scanners | Assignment 3 | | 5 | Mar 18 - 22 | Chapter 8: Fundamental Networks | Assignment 4 | | 6 | Mar 25 - 29 | Chapter 9: Fundamental SecurityChapter 10: Communication Skills | Assignment 5 | RECESS | 7 | Apr 8 -12 | Revision Chapters 1 - 10 | Semester Test 1 | | 8 | Apr 15 - 19 | Chapter 11: Advanced Personal ComputerChapter 12: Operating Systems | | | 9 | Apr 22 - 27 | Chapter 13: Laptops and Portable devicesChapter 14: Printers and Scanners | Assignment 6 | | 10 | Apr 29 – May 3 | Chapter 15: Advanced Networks | Assignment 7 | | 11 | May 6 - 10 | Chapter 16: Advanced Security Assignment 8 | 12 | May 13 - 17 | Revision Chapters 11 - 16 | | 13 | May 20 - 24 | Cisco ClassTests | | | | | | | Module Activities
The following table shows the detail of the load on the student i.e. the duration of the various classes that the student must attend.
Lectures will be held in various venues refer to timetable and group. Attendance will be taken. You must start reading the relevant chapters the previous week.
Practical Assignments will be completed in various venues and at various times in your assigned groups. Attendance will be taken during the assigned practical sessions and completed work must be uploaded on the WCI1601 Learn site by 13:00 each Friday. No late submissions will be allowed. The practical exercises involve the completion of: * Troubleshooting exercises (Tutorials) * Online research tasks (Practical)
Assessment takes the form of written class tests and cisco online exams * Class Tests will be conducted randomly during your lecture. Attendance will be taken at the class tests. * Cisco Online Exams sessions are open book multiple choice quizzes administered on Online tests are usually 1 hour in duration and will automatically mark your answers when the time is up, or when you submit your test for grading. These tests will be made available each week and will cover at most two chapters per week. A lab has been booked for the purpose of writing the online test and one of the weekly tests will only be available during the session allocated to your group.
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