Apparently to Richard Rodriguez, there are problems because the persons, who care for us like a family, are usually the ones who explain to us that we have something to be ashamed of (441). Delia, a college senior expresses in her Am I Thin Enough Yet?:“ I always wanted to be the thinnest, the prettiest. ‘Cause I thought, if I look like this, then I am going to have so many boyfriends, and guys are going to be so in love with me, and I will be taken care of for the rest of my life” (qtd in Sharlene 7). In another view, Bell Hooks thinks that all these problems take their origin in the historical supremacy of the white race toward the black in particular (446). These are only a few examples of the probable reasons why people decide to change their look. People change the way they look in order to feel attractive and appreciated. They believe that this issue can help in a search for happiness one might feel they are missing out …show more content…
White people also feel complexes about the way they look. “Statistics reveal that, in general, the rate of obesity among black women is greater than among white women. Research indicates that black women are less concerned with being thin than white women” (Sharlene 110). In this society, being thin is everything; as Sharlene Hesse-Biber states: “Thin is sacred. Thin is beautiful and healthy; thin will make you happy. If you are female, thin will get you a husband…Fat is profane. To be fat is to be ugly, weak and slovenly…” (11). The media have a great influence on the way people behave in the occidental culture. Indeed, advertisements bringing people for getting thinner are now commonplace commercials. Moreover, the most beautiful woman in the world is chosen according to some criteria: thin, slain, and tall…“Not fat like me, or short. So I am not beautiful…But wait a minute, I do want to be beautiful too!”’ A person thinking like this is likely to end up with eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia (Gordon 80). These two diseases are now reaching the highest rates around the world. However, if we think carefully about it, the medias are not directly responsible for all these changes in the look. Indeed, TV displays a lot of pictures. They are as good as bad. If we agree that the TV does not “literally” bring someone to kill because he watched a murder, how can it “literally” bring someone to change his look,