Team B
February 20, 2013
Pat Gomes
Information Systems Upgrade Proposal for Party Plates
Executive Summary 2
Microsoft Excel Limitations 3
Benefits of Microsoft Access 3
Our Transition to Microsoft Access 4
Alternative Potential Collaborative System 4
Notable advantages for Party Plates Company (SAS) 6
Notable advantages for the Sales Department (MS Access) 7
Summary 7
Executive Summary
This proposal is presented to the Party Plates Company for the purpose of advancing its Information Systems capability to ensure seamless operations across the company and more important, the sales department. Since its inception, Party Plates has always embraced information technology. It understood that advancing the company from the street corner mom and pop store would take more that brute strength, but power of computers and office automation tools. This understanding has not changed. Therefore at the request of President, Mr. Michael Powers, our team will present the following for consideration: Microsoft (MS) Excel Limitations and the benefits of using MS Access, the companies pending transition to MS Access, potential collaborative systems on the market, and systems recommended for Party Plates.
Microsoft Excel Limitations
Microsoft Excel clearly has the capability of being a powerful database but with two key limitations. The "Excel Databases & Reporting" (2013) relays that the first concern with Excel has to do with the networking access. Meaning, only one team-member can access the database at a time. This becomes frustrating when other departments need to add information or provide updates and find that other members are in the system. The second concern has to deal with amount of data stored. Each sheet in Excel is limited to 256 columns. While this may not be a concern today, with the anticipated growth as it relates to volume, customer base, and sales we will need a