Many people prefer to consider their decisions in detail. They think that it’s a right way to take the decision. In fact, we take decisions every day, but we don’t think about them. We believe in our intuition.. If we start thinking about every action in our life, we will WASTE our time ON thinking. I think that the meaningS of the wordS safe and indecisive are too CLOSE. It’s very easy to transform your safety in indecision. For example, If I have one question with two possible answers. I have two possibilities. The first is to spend a lot of time searching for the correct answer. The second is to take A decision immediately and to save time. If I make A mistake I’ll choose the other answer. In that case I’ll save time and I’ll take the right decision.
If I take A decision fast I will improve my self-confidence. I’ll believe in my mind. If I spend a lot of time thinking about decisions, I’ll lose my self-confidence. I believe that if I’m in doubt about one question, the answers of the question are OF equal worth. If they are OF equal worth, it’s not good to spend a lot of time OVER THE question.
In conclusion I will change the name of the question. IN MY OPINION it’s better to try than to be safe. I think that If we believe in our intuition we will save time and we will take CORRECT decisions.