How many bits are in a megabyte? | 1 million |
Convert 00101010 to decimal. | 42 |
What is the difference between a sector and a track? | A sector is part of a track |
How many bits are in one hexadecimal digit? | 4 |
How are voice communications converted to digital signals? | Audio is sampled at a high rate which is converted to binary numbers |
What does it mean to compress a video file? | To decrease file size |
In this url,, which part is the web page, which part is the server name and which part is the protocol? | web page: page2 server: protocol: http |
What makes up the internet core? | Many separate small and large networks |
What manages computer peripherals devices? | Device Drivers |
What physical network topology has the inherent weakness of a single point failure? | Star Network |
What is a networking standard? | Details of what a networking technology does, and how it does it |
What is a de facto standard and what stanards-setting body creates them? | An informal standard, no company governs them |
What are some reasons TCP/IP model is divided into layers? | Troubleshooting, Creation of network standards and protocols |
Why is the TCP/IP model considered an "open" networking model? | It's not owned by any specific organization | what do routers in a network do? | Mave data between LANs by linking them to WANs |
What is encapsulation? | A way to cross data over a any network link |
In a TCP/IP network, what is the difference between an IP address and a MAC address? | IP is assigned to a node, MAC is permanent |
What does and IP address look like? | ##.##.##.## |
What is the purpose of the physical layer of the TCP/IP model? | Anything used to transmit bits over a single, physical connection |
What is the result of the Wi-Fi Alliances input on wireless devices? | Devices from different vendors are more likely to be