Whereas the modular approach is designing a program to solve a particular problem is to identify the major tasks that the program must accomplish then we can break each of these fundamental, “high-level” tasks into smaller subtasks (Stewart Venit, 2004, p. 31) and this division process can be continued as long as seems necessary to identify the tasks needed to solve the given problem. This process of breaking down a problem into simpler and simpler subproblems is called top-down design; identifying the tasks and various subtasks involved in the program design is called modular programming. This modular approach is good for developing the programs effectively and efficiently. Because, if a problem happens, it can be found quickly without searching the whole module for one mistake, as done in structured approach. It’s easy to use and make changes to it (Stewart Venit, 2004, p. 32). Its also provides the code reusability. So, finally we can say that the modular approach is well-organized approach to develop programs quickly and cheaply. And when the project proceeds the changes to the projects is minimized and the uncertainty is minimized which makes this approach more efficient than haphazard approach.
A well-structured design leads, in a natural way, to well-structured, easy-to-read code. In fact, one of the goals of structured programming is to create a program that is easy for programmers to read (and understand) and for users to run. The elements of a program that affect its readability and ease of use are grouped together under the general heading of programming style.
[1] Extended Prelude to Programming: Concepts and Design, Second Edition (2004) by Stewart Venit.