Seminar Presentation
Application of encrypting techniques
Database Security
Uweh SKelvin
Security in today’s world is one of the important challenges that people are facing all over the world in every aspect of their lives. Similarly security in electronic world has a great significance. In this seminar work, we discuss the applications of encryption techniques in database security. This is an area of substantial interest in database because we know that, the use of database is becoming very important in today’s enterprise and databases contains information that is major enterprise asset. This research work discuses the application of various encryption techniques in database security, and how encryption is used at different levels to provide the security.
Information or data is a valuable asset in any organization. Almost all organization, whether social, governmental, educational etc., have now automated their information systems and other operational functions. They have maintained the databases that contain the crucial information. So database security is a serious concern. To go further, we shall first discuss what actually the database security is?
Protecting the confidential/sensitive data stored in a repository is actually the database security. It deals with making database secure from any form of illegal access or threat at any level. Database security demands permitting or prohibiting user actions on the database and the objects inside it. Organizations that are running successfully demand the confidentiality of their database. They do not allow the unauthorized access to their data/information. And they also demand the assurance that their data is protected against any malicious or accidental modification. Data protection and confidentiality are the security concerns. Figure 1 below shows