Ramaiah Institute of Management
Teena Lawrence
ITC is a major Indian heterogeneous market or business with a diversification in the fields such as paperboards, packaging, apparel, foods, hotels, Information technology and tobacco products. The triple bottom lines encompassing economic, social and environmental parameters have said to be achieved by the company. The sustainable initiatives taken by the company have been indeed recognised and rewarded. The areas of sustainability and the balances the company have claimed to have taken initiative are examined in this case along with the criticisms made by different scholars and independent groups.
ITC the Imperial Tobacco Company which is now in Kolkata was established on august 24th 1910. The tobacco products and cigarettes in particular was there main focus for 15 years later in 1925 they had expanded the company into packaging and printing business. In 1974 they changed its name to Indian Tobacco Company Limited (I.T.C. Ltd). The company entered into a new venture with the Welcomgroup, a U.S. based Sheraton corporation, and by acquiring a property in Chennai they named the new hospitality industry as Welcomgroup Chola Sheraton. In 1979 ITC ventured into the paper board business by promoting ITC Bhadranchalam Paperboards Limited (IBPL) in the state of Andhra Pradesh. IBPL merged with the Tribeni Tissues Limited which was the producer of a speciality paper and the supplier of a tissue paper to the cigarette company. The company has diversified in several areas in the last few decades like confectionary, wheat flour, incense sticks, biscuits, retailing of men and women wear, soap, shampoos and creams and safety matches. In 2001 the company changed its name to ITC Limited without any meaning and full stop.
The triple bottom line approach: The E-choupal’s service is a unique website which provides valuable