The case study of e-choupal experience of
B. Bowonder, Vinay Gupta and Amit Singh
Abstract potential to,male significant.inroads in a traditional agrarian economy like India.
Indian agro-sector has been, exploiting the benefits to rcr. jnnovative lCi 'apptication platforms are being created by private sector players in conjunction with local farmers. one such private initiative has been by ITC Ltd in the state-of M.onvu piuJ"r6. rt n", helped the farmers in many such as developing or tocil r!.d"*hjo, shared
ownership of the assets created in this initiative, access t6 pt" rui"rt r."o*r-"jI! ror.1.," agro-sector. sustainable income levels and skill development for pr"oductivity improvement. This initiativ^e from ITC[I] hbs become a benchrnark today in the ICT initiatives in agro-sector, Several best practices can be learned from this initi"tiu",
ICT. has
ease of replicability and scalability customization to meet the specific local needs and
organizational commitment.
The success of e-choupal has heralded a new era in the Indian agro-sector. The work needs to be carried. forward and replicated in the other untap"pea-;;;. creating business channels that can create a win-win situation both business and iarming community has enormous economies of scope. Once a channel is created it could be used for many products and services as shown in this case study. Th;;;l; ,;.r;;;
the,success th9 platform.have been the involvement of local farmeri unJ ruinienance
of the rural IT network by the corporate entity.
Keywords 'Rural e-market, shared ownership, Local Leadership, Meta Market
Biographical notes
Dr. B. Bowonder js a Dean, Tata Management rrainihg centre, No, 1, lo.qdr. PUNE
- 411 001, India, Tet: 91-20-t t2 OL4I,
Mr. Vinay Gupta is a Research Associate, Administrative Staff College
Hyderabad his contact address is Bella Vista: Hyderabad.
of India,
Mr. Amit
References: bits,,, Harvard Business Schoo| Press, 1999 ' Phi|ip Evans, Thomas S Wurster,..B|oWn to