ITC's cigarettes are manufactured in state-of-the-art factories at Bengaluru, Munger, Saharanpur, Kolkata and Pune, with cutting-edge technology & excellent work practices benchmarked to the best globally. An efficient supply-chain & distribution network reaches India's popular brands across the length & breadth of the country. because the government want to reduce the number of people that smoke in the interest of public safety. there is a cost involved to the comunity as a result of illness caused by smoking and by reducing advertisement the uptake of smoking is reduced and the giving up of smoking becomes easier for those that wish to do so.
"Because Government thinks it knows what is best for you, like it or not." –
2. How uncontrollable is the legal environment in the case of ITC cigarette operations in India? Should they lobby to lift the ban on cigarette advertising? If no, how should they promote their brand?
The phenomenon of Climate change, a result of global warming, is caused principally by large-scale emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Global warming exacerbates the challenges of poverty and environmental degradation and poses a threat of far reaching consequences.
ITC has been at the forefront of corporate India's initiatives to progressively reduce Green House Gas emissions. Its businesses continue to enlarge the Company's positive carbon footprint through energy conservation, use of renewable sources of energy and identifying ways of mitigating the adverse effects of climate change caused by global warming. ITC has implemented several CDM projects under the Kyoto Protocol and ensured carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration through large-scale social and farm forestry initiatives.
ITC has proactively aligned its strategies and joined international efforts in mitigating/delaying the adverse impacts of