ITE4103 IT Professionalism
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1. List 4 reasons why IT has great impacts on ethics in modern society. For each of the reason, give
ONE example of the problem/violation. (12%)
2. a) What is ethical hacking?
b) In additional to technical competency, list TWO basic attributes of an ethical hacker.
c) List TWO (administrative) steps that the ethical hacker need to do before committing the hacking. (4%)
3. As an IT professional, it is necessary take steps to prevent computer crime at personal and corporate level respectively.
At personal level, give 3 examples (3%)
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Assignment (2014/15) – Sem5
ITE4103 IT Professionalism
At corporate level, give THREE examples (3%)
(Hints: focus on activities to strengthen the human behavior which is the also known as the weakest link of the IT system.)
4. The followings are methods that help to establish an environmental friendly office. Select two examples in each method. (12%)
General Methods
A Create less waste by conserving
1 Recycle all used plastic, waste papers, toner and natural resource ink-cartridge, etc.
2 Switch off all unused lighting or electrical equipment, e.g. desktop PC in office, etc
B Adopt waste recycle/reuse practice
3 Buy and use recycling toners and cartridges for copiers or printers.
4 Set air-conditioning temperature at 25.5C.
C Adopt pollution preventive measures
5 Everyone receives awareness training regularly.
6 Buy from environmental friendly vendors, eg envelope made from recycle paper
D Environment Procurement
7 Use environmental friendly office materials and stop using asbestos.
8 Organise of yearly awareness events; e.g. tree plantation day and its poster has to be posted in office. E Increase general awareness of
9 Use less paper, use less air-conditioning, use more environment of all staff emails instead of paper memo.
10 Strictly stop all smoking in office