Tutorial Week 3
Weight 1%
The tutorial assessment each week is generally based on your understanding of the week’s course content, your written answers to each week’s tutorial questions, your group interaction in discussing your answers, and your presentation to the class.
You are required to provide written answers to each week’s tutorial questions. The due date for providing answers to each week’s tutorial tasks is by the beginning of your following week’s tutorial session. Make sure to submit your answers to the tutorial questions by its due date electronically using Moodle; and to take with you a printed/hand-written copy of your answers to the next tutorial session. For some questions your tutor may randomly select students to share their answers with the class. For some other questions, your tutor may invite students to discuss their written answers in groups and may ask you to present your group’s collective responses to the class.
Due to some particular circumstances, if you are not able to attend a tutorial session, make sure to:
a) let your tutor know asap the reason(s) you missed the class by email;
b) submit your answers to the tutorial questions by its due date electronically using Moodle.
Before attempting the following tutorial activities, you need to learn this and last week’s lecture slides. To gain more understanding of the topics covered in this week refer to Chapter 6 up to 6.5 and then 6.7 and 6.9 of your textbook.
To further understanding some database concepts and principles
Practice creating and investigating and resolving issues with ER Diagrams
Introduction to normalisation
ER Diagram
1) The following ER diagram has a number of problems. Identify the problems and discuss the ways in which to solve them.
2) Resolve the following many-to-many relationships:
3) Given the following