“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson
Many times in life the difference between failure and success is determined by a person’s attitude
Having the right mental attitude simply means one is able to go through each of these steps in a calm and rational manner. Each stage is digested and thought out. Too much weight or emphasis on one stage will have an impact on the final outcome. Too much emotion in the first stage means that the second stage, comprehension of the situation, becomes compromised or negatively impacted. When that happens, the final evaluation and corresponding feelings or actions will then be based on flawed information, causing one to act in a manner that may do more harm than good.
Having the right mental attitude simply means that someone can go through these stages calmly and intelligently without letting emotions distort their judgment. When a person performs these steps rationally, actions will be based on thoughtful analysis, increasing the likelihood for achieving specific goal.
Having the wrong attitude, usually caused by emotion or a certain disposition in your head thereby clouding a rational interpretation of each stage, will make it difficult to reach goals. In other words, without a clear head to analyze any given situation, it will be almost impossible to achieve success.
Confidence comes from trying, not from knowing you’re right “Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.” Peter T. Mcintyre
I have been proven to be wrong hundreds, nay, thousands of times more than I have been right. I’ve failed more times than I can remember. However, I do not consider myself a failure. The day when I can’t hold my head up high, when I accept defeat and stop trying or saying what’s on my mind, will be the day that I become a failure.
Despite what people may claim, everyone is wrong from time to time. Being wrong means that you are not afraid to speak your mind. It means that you made an effort. It means that you’re not afraid to try.
Successful politicians and salespeople are the ones who are confident in what they say. It doesn’t matter that what they say is wrong most of the time. What matters is that they said something in a confident manner.
The only way to become confident is by not being afraid to be wrong. It is how you learn. It is how you find out that you are wrong and what the truth is.
Speaking with confidence means you’ve given thought to what you are saying. It means in your mind you think it is correct. People respect that. Don’t be afraid to be wrong. If you think about it, it’s the person who is unsure of what to say that either gets blamed, doesn’t get elected or doesn’t make any sales.
It isn’t what you say that matters, but how you say it. When you speak with confidence you give strength and inspiration to those around you. They will not hold it against you if you’re wrong. You develop your character when you admit you were wrong and gain the respect of others.
What matters most is confidence in yourself, in knowing that as long as you keep trying, you will succeed one day. The best way to build confidence in yourself is to get over the fear of being wrong, or being rejected. The world will not suddenly turn against you. When you are proven to be wrong, you’ll realize that your fear was unfounded and you’ll become more confident when speaking. You’ll realize that it’s not what you say that matters, but in how you say it.
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