1.02 Module Pre-Test
Question 1: Multiple Choice
The historical revival of Classical culture began during the: a) Middle Ages b) Renaissance c) Baroque Era d) Romantic Era
Feedback: The correct answer is b. The historical revival of Classical culture began during the Renaissance.
Question 2: Multiple Choice
Which of the following was a key feature of ancient Chinese humanism? a) An emphasis on theoretical philosophy. b) A subordination of intellectual life to religious faith. c) An elevation of intellectual life over religious faith. d) An establishment of a monastic upper class.
Feedback: The correct answer is c. Chinese humanism elevated intellectual life over religious faith.
Question 3: Multiple Choice
The hero's journey has been called a ______________. a) stereotype b) monomyth c) cultural myth d) legend
Feedback: The correct answer is b. The hero's journey has been called a monomyth or a world myth.
Question 4: Multiple Choice
______________ reasoning proceeds from particular facts to a general conclusion (or from effect to cause). a) Inductive b) Deductive c) Pragmatic d) Linear
Feedback: The correct answer is a. Inductive reasoning proceeds from particular facts to a general conclusion (or from effect to cause).
Question 5: Multiple Choice
Why is architecture considered an art? a) Because architecture provides shelter to humans b) Because architecture is often decorated with art forms c) Because architects use perspective in their work d) Because architecture is concerned with the aesthetic effect of structures in their environment
Feedback: The correct answer is d. Architecture is considered an art because it is concerned with the aesthetic effect of structures in their surrounding environment.
Question 6: Multiple Choice
The ideas of the Renaissance are most commonly seen as paving the way for which of the following movements? a) Feudalism b) Imperialism c) Industrialism d) Age