Another part of supporting evidence for Jones is a Psychologist named Melanie Moore. She states that “children need violent entertainment in order to explore the inescapable feelings that they’ve been taught to deny, and to reintegrate those feelings into a more whole, more complex, more resilient selfhood.” Many kids in this society bring out these feelings and use them in a negative way. Not every kid is the same and some kids would not be able to bring these feelings of rage to a complex selfhood and would instead use them to harm…
In reading “Violent Media is Good for Kids”; by Gerard Jones, he doesn’t argue against the fact that some harm has come from violence in the media. However the author does convey the fact that he has first handedly seen the positive effects of well managed use of violence in different mediums. Mr. Jones has reinforced my view and opinion on violence in the media by informing me to the efforts of him and his colleague to help children use their natural feelings in a positive manner and find an enlightening outlet.…
In Gerard Jones’ “Violent Media Is Good for Kids” found in our text, Practical Argument, Jones argues that children should not be sheltered from violence. Gerard Jones discusses his own experiences growing up in a home that banned any violent media. He was a scared, introverted child in desperate need of help understanding the feelings he was taught to bottle up. When a few Incredible Hulk comics somehow made it past his parents and right into his eager hands he was a child reformed. The stories of the violent brute known as The Hulk gave Jones an outlet for his internal rage. Consequently, he became braver and happier with his new so called “fantasy self”.…
In January of 2012, Brad J. Bushman (Ph.D.) posted an article titled “Do Violent Video Games Increase Aggression?” In his article, Bushman concluded that violent video games have a significant effect on aggression, especially in younger audiences. To support his thesis, Bushman used a supporting statement from the Surgeon General in 1972 on the effects of violent television, as well as supporting points like the fact that video games are an interactive media. The last type of evidence that Bushman used was studies showing a correlation between violent video games and violent behavior in youths.…
In “Violent Media is Good for Kids,” the author Gerard Jones claims that violent media is good for children because it prepares them for violence in reality and teaches them how to control with rage. He argues against people’s view of violent media being negative influence on children. This view suggests that it is important to keep children away from violent media because it promotes imaginary gun battles, killing, blood, and violent fighting. In response, the author argues that such violence in media can give children a tool to master their rage.…
5: Gerald Jones purpose is to convince the reader violent media is good for kids. Jones background and experience supports his argument along with factual information to build his argument. He feels that violent media helps kids express the emotions they are taught to hide and ignore.…
From what I believe is that video games DO NOT make us violent in our lifetime. One out of the many people that agrees is the psychologist, Christopher Ferguson. Christopher Ferguson believes that video games do not make us violent in life. As he quoted, “Although there was some studies that find aggression, there also studies which find no evidence for any links at all.” So what he’s saying is that there were some studies that did show that aggression in people, but there also studies that showed that there wasn’t any…
Jones uses his life as an example in proving that violent media is good for kids. He explains how his parents tried to shield him from violent media but "the Incredible Hulk smashed through it." The Hulk taught him to be a more self-empowered person. He tried this violent…
The author does not only use researched data to justify these arguments of media violence or "mock violence"; he also displays some opinions and beliefs of his own, toward these arguments as well. Rhodes discusses his ideas of politicians' impression of media violence as a scapegoat because they do not have control over violence in America. He also gives a good critique in my opinion by saying " Violence is on the decline in America, but if we want reduce even further, try protecting children from real violence in their real…
A story written in by Gerard Jones called Violent Media is Good for Kids that appeared in Mother Jones under the political section, written 28 June 2000. He is an author of several works to include fictional and non-fictional works. His written for Marvel Comics and other companies. The essay talks about his life, how he was sheltered from violence or what his family felt wasn’t appropriate because of his parents. However, it was his mom that got him hooked on comic books, she thought it would teach him about the bigger picture, he liked the violence. The comic books helped him evolve as a human. And as he evolved, so did his needs for greater substance or more complicated story lines. He argues that comics are healthy and that is teaches important lessons about life, emotions, and the interactions of life.…
Doug Lowenstein, president of the Entertainment Software Association, for instance stated in May 12, 2000 interview on CNN that “There is absolutely no evidence that playing video games leads to aggressive behavior.” He is also quoted in a PBS interview in 2005 that “Every independent researcher who has come to this without a preconceived notion trying to prove that video games are harmful has looked at the literature and said there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that violent video games are harmful.” (Anderson, Gentile and Buckley 153)…
There is are two opposite sides arguing against and for " violence in entertainment". The side which is " for " are the marketers who promote media with violence involved. Consumers enjoy violent forms of entertainment which allows businesses to ascend. Research proves that violence is something expected and desired by the consumers, which allows companies to make more profit. The side that is "against," argue that violence corrupts the society because it allows the promotion of violence. Research also proves that media incorporated with violence is associated with aggressive behavior found in children and young adults, aggressive behaviors such as lack of remorse for the consequences, violence against others, show signs of hostility, decreased emotional responses to violence and injury are the reasons why violence in media is arguing against.…
O/P Statement: Although some people say violent video games causes real life violence research said it doesn't…
Jones uses his personal experiences and researches to support his thesis that violent media is not entirely bad for the children. Jones was a lonely boy and his parents did not let him connect with the violent media. He lived like a nice boy until that day when “Incredible Hulk smashed through it” (para. 2). He got a chance to play with violent video games because his mother’s students convinced her to violent media has a positive side too. That one change helped him to be “unafraid of his desires and the world’s disapproval.” Now he can handle any difficult situation, and now he would be able to fight against the modern society. Another example that Jones gives to prove his point is his son experience. Jones mentions, “In the first grade, his friends started climbing a tree at school. But he was afraid: of falling, of the centipedes crawling on the trunk, of sharp branches, of his friend’s derision” (para. 6). Jones gives his…
Due to this fact, the connection between violence and aggression is self-evident, and the continual stream of violence through these forms of media do not help the matter in any regard. This is supported by Nancy C. Cornwell’s statement that “research supports a correlation between media violence and aggression.” Media can send many messages to those who are exposed to it, but this statement suggests that a less than savory ideal may be sent to younger audiences who happen to be exposed to it. As is evidenced by the fact that this influence from a form of media can be found in many cases where someone from a younger audience took the ideals portrayed too far. This is shown to be fact instead of speculation due to copycat crimes that can lead to devastating reenactments of fictionalized drama and horror being implemented in reality. There are many examples that support this statement like this given statement from Cornwell’s article “violence in Media,” “The numerous anecdotal examples of copycat rapes, suicides and violent crime, closely mimicking television drama, movie scenes and provocative song lyrics” (Cornwell). With the added perspective derived from this statement supplied by Cornwell, these ideas show the realistic evidence supplied by the facts given, which garners a far more vast well of knowledge, that leads to the…