2) Jack London’s extensive work experiences included: being a laborer, factory worker, an oyster pirate, sailor, railroad hobo, journalist and gold prospector in the Klondike.
3) Jack London’s most famous works are The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Sea Wolf.
4) At age 10 Jack London sold newspapers on the street to help with his family’s income.
5) London would write new words he learned on pieces of paper and put them on his mirror and other items he saw every day so he could incorporate them into his writings.
6) London was self-educated and spent much of his time in public libraries reading fiction, philosophy, poetry, and political science books.
7) Jack was among the most publicized figures of his day. He was also one of the first celebrities used to endorse commercial products, such as grape juice and men’s suits.
8) Jack was originally only paid a flat fee of 2,000 dollars for his famous novel The Call of the Wild.
9) London finished a four year high school education in eighteen months while working as a janitor.
10) London attended University of California Berkeley for one semester before dropping out due to financial reasons.
11) Throughout his life, London supported movements for social justice and corporate accountability by giving speeches about evils of capitalism, a system, he explained, kept half of its population in poverty.
12) Some of Jack London’s writings have been translated into as many as seventy different languages.
13) London ran for mayor of Oakland, California several times as a member of the Socialist Party but was unsuccessful in getting elected.
14) In 1900, London earned $2,500 for his writings, which is the equivalent of about $75,000 today.
15) Jack London started his writing career just as new printing technologies enabled lower-cost production of magazines. This resulted in a boom of popular magazines and a strong market