Tessit Hutchinson played a very important roll in the short story "The Lottry". She and her famly end up being the central focus of this story once the actual lottery begins. When she arrives late to the lottery unlike everyone else in the town who were all early and had began to gather, this is the point that tells the readers that she is going to be the main focus of the story. Although a lot of other very important things are said between the other people she is the only reason we know what thw purpose of this lottery is in the end. She claims when she arrives that she has just forgotten what day it was and she was at home doing the dishes. This alone seems odd because everyone else in the town could not have forgotten what day it was, as if this was a very important event. It sets her a side from all of the other women. She said, “I remembered it was the twenty-seventh and came a running” (135) Good-natured Tessie Actually desires to come to the lottery, going so far as to run to it, although the rest of the townspeople are subdued, even nervous (Yarmove 244). She is acting very jokingly and not taking anything about this situation seriously she acts as though she does not stand a chance at being the one who will be chosen in the end. At this point us as the readers do not know that whoever wins the lottery is going to be stoned to their death. When the lottery finally begins anf familys are going up to pick their tickets, Tessie is acting complete opposite from all of the other towns people, because she was joking when there is such a serious matter at hand. While all of the other women are waiting nervously for their husbands to draw, she says to hers “get up there Bill” (136) and the people in the group around her all laugh quietly. It seams to me she out of all the other people she was the most anxious to want to know who was going to win the lottery. Everyone else is so nervous, and she just seams too
Tessit Hutchinson played a very important roll in the short story "The Lottry". She and her famly end up being the central focus of this story once the actual lottery begins. When she arrives late to the lottery unlike everyone else in the town who were all early and had began to gather, this is the point that tells the readers that she is going to be the main focus of the story. Although a lot of other very important things are said between the other people she is the only reason we know what thw purpose of this lottery is in the end. She claims when she arrives that she has just forgotten what day it was and she was at home doing the dishes. This alone seems odd because everyone else in the town could not have forgotten what day it was, as if this was a very important event. It sets her a side from all of the other women. She said, “I remembered it was the twenty-seventh and came a running” (135) Good-natured Tessie Actually desires to come to the lottery, going so far as to run to it, although the rest of the townspeople are subdued, even nervous (Yarmove 244). She is acting very jokingly and not taking anything about this situation seriously she acts as though she does not stand a chance at being the one who will be chosen in the end. At this point us as the readers do not know that whoever wins the lottery is going to be stoned to their death. When the lottery finally begins anf familys are going up to pick their tickets, Tessie is acting complete opposite from all of the other towns people, because she was joking when there is such a serious matter at hand. While all of the other women are waiting nervously for their husbands to draw, she says to hers “get up there Bill” (136) and the people in the group around her all laugh quietly. It seams to me she out of all the other people she was the most anxious to want to know who was going to win the lottery. Everyone else is so nervous, and she just seams too