
Jacksonian Ideals

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In 1828, Andrew Jackson became the first president of the United States to come from a non-influent family. Although by his presidency he was very rich, he was known for supporting the Jeffersonian Ideals instead of the rich. Although throughout the Jacksonian Era the leaders of America remained rich and the promotion of Industry over Jeffersonian Ideal persisted, there are increased voting rights as leaders begin to campaign for the support of the common man and the national bank is ultimately terminated leading this period to be rightfully called the era of the common man.
Although the Jacksonian Era is often liked with the rise of the power of the common man, many elements of the early American traditions persisted through this period.
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During this time, there was a drastic increase of voting rights. Before the Jacksonian Era, many times in order to vote, one had to own a large amount of property; however, Jackson fought for the common man, and eventually, all white men regardless of property ownership gained the right to vote. Furthermore, candidates began to campaign for the vote of the common man rather than that of the rich. This was called campaigning for the grass roots. In the past, the president was chosen by the rich and powerful in society, but Andrew Jackson proved that campaigning for the common man was a different but practical approach. This change occurred because more people could vote as there was less voter restriction and electoral college members began to have to support the choice of their state’s voters rather than their own preference. Moreover, during this period, Jackson ended the Second National Bank for the benefit of the common man. The bank supported the rich in New England but was a major area of mistrust and hatred for the north east among southerners and westerners. It also supported a strong central government over states’ rights. For these reasons, Jackson shut down the national bank in order to promote the ideas of the common man. Jackson supported Jeffersonian Ideals shutting down …show more content…

The expansion of voting rights leading to Jackson’s election directly connects to the woman’s suffrage movement in the early 1900’s. Just as Jackson was able to win based on new support from the common man who would not have been able to vote previously, after the 19th amendment was passed, women began to become elect into official government poisons at a previously unattainable rate. Just eight years after the law was passed, seven women were already in the house of representatives. To conclude, the first half of the 19th century can rightfully be called the era of the common

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