Jacob`s kingdom was in war with the land of Tartarus, so while jacob was in the palace everybody else was fighting against the Tartarus. Tartarus is the realm of the dead.
Jacob grew wings and appeared outside on the battlefield, he blocked most attacks with a bubble of magic. Tartarus had a secret weapon, it was a boy named Arsen.
Arsen used his powers to break the bubble and the people of Tartarus attacked everybody.Everybody died but jacob survived. Arsen told the people of Tartarus to leave Jacob and Asren so then he erased Jacobs memory while nobody was looking.
So Jacob went to the nearest forest and tried to hide but he …show more content…
He also saw the spirit of his Mother. His mom gave him a amulet to keep him safe, then she flew and disappeared into thin air then. Jacob fell to the ground then a wolf attacked him and he screamed and it was a sonic BOOM, it woke everyone in the forest up then the alpha wanted Jacob out of their forest forever, but then Shinook stood up for jacob, then the alpha's daughter also stood up for jacob because she has a good heart then everybody else stood up for Jacob, then he got to stay then but he had to be trained so they brought a fairy named Kimberly.
So now Kimberly is training him how to use his magic and how to fly.
So after three years of training he mastered his powers at the age of 17. When training is done they will be on a mission to defend the forest against TARTARUS. Jacob got his memory back then the big fight happened then Shinook,Foalon,Kimberly and Jacob went into battle Tartarus got defeated then they won and also we found out Asen,they found out the only reason Asen was being gentle to Jacob is because asen is jacob’s older brother and he is also a fallen angel.
Then jacob used his amulet to turn Asen back to an