Summary Jacob's Rescue is a sad, but adventurous book based on a true story about a little Jewish boy named Jacob and his life during the Holocaust. Jacobs a Jewish boy who is taken from his home by the German Nazi's and has to live in a ghetto. Then Jacobs grandmother finds a polish man, and his family takes Jacob in. He has to hide, so he doesn't get caught and get his new family in trouble. This is where the suspense begins. There is never a dull moment.
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It teaches kids good lessons that can be very handy in their lives. One lesson that can be taken away from this novel is to always keep an open mind. This can be used in student’s lives at school, because they always have to keep an open mind to succeed, and know that they can. In this book, Jacob struggles with trying to survive the holocaust as a Jew. He first struggles with depression because he goes through a lot. From leaving his family, to trying to hide. But he then learns that he has to keep an open mind, because he knows that this bad part in his life will eventually end. He keeps an open mind for a long time and because of this we get to hear his