1. This story is an allegory. Explain what this means, how the story fits, and what larger idea the story is trying to examine.
An allegory is a literary device in which a character or events within a narrative represent a symbol or a bigger picture that the writer is trying to depict. Its an extended metaphor throughout the whole story where the characters and symbols have a ulterior meaning. The story fits because it shows us how much evil can be caused even when someone is trying to pursue being pure and good by eliminating evil. The larger idea the story examines is how someone who ended up looking for evil that was being done, in a long pursuit was merely finding himself doing these evil deeds at the end of his journey. The larger idea is we of the human nature are not perfect. We have a character who is good at the start of the story but as the story progresses we see his armour fade from white to black, he starts stealing and he murders. This leads us to believe what good is a journey of preventing evil if we inflict it ourselves?
2. "Is evil then triumphant?"
In my perspective evil is not triumphant because the White Knight realizes the sins he has committed. He acts upon this by discarding his armour which turned from white to black as his journey concluded. I dont believe you can be evil if you dont accept it willingly, and we can see that the he realizes his faults and thus changes. He also looks in the mirror at the end unarmoured and does not see the full White Knight he once did. He sees his white hair blossoming which i believe represents the good inside of him growing again by accepting his faults and progressing towards being pure again. On top of all of this his white armour is replaced by a colourful coat. I believe this coat of mixed colours shows he is not white nor black but he has qualities of both, as humans i strongly believe no one is perfect and we all have our darker and lighter sides.